Eytan Deener-Agus

Favorite philosophy course:

I loved Continental Philosophy with Stephen Steinberg because I felt as though the questions we dealt with in the class got to the heart of the phenomenon of human existence and the human experience in a way that cut and dry analytic philosophy sometimes misses.

Favorite non-philosophy course:

The BFS Integrated Studies, specifically the Philosophy and Evolutionary Psychology course, because I got insights into how different disciplines can approach the same question from very different perspectives, and when combined can deeply enhance one another.

Groups you were involved with at Penn:

Benjamin Franklin Scholars, “Void” Penn Ultimate Frisbee, Penn Anti-Violence Educators, Penn Hillel, Resetting the Table, J Street U Penn, Coffee Club, Philosophy for the Young, Shamash Senior Society

Favorite Penn memory:

Late night stargazing on the top parking lot of Fresh Grocer

Leave a message for your fellow philosophers:

Invest your first years in getting your foot in many doors and explore all that Penn has to offer. Then, over time you can begin to narrow your focus and deepen your engagement in what you know you are most passionate about.