Artemis Panagopoulou

Favorite philosophy course:

Philosophy of Language taught by Prof. Miracchi. This course made me fall in love with Philosophy. I have been fascinated by linguistics since early high-school, however, it was not until that class that I realized that everything I thought I knew for facts were mere hypotheses open for debate.

Favorite non-philosophy course:

Cryptography by Nadia Heninger. This class made me realize that we very often take online security for granted, whereas this is not true at all! There are many things that can and will go wrong in terms of online security.

Groups you were involved with at Penn:

Mind Intelligence Research and Analysis (MIRA), Women in Computer Science

Favorite Penn memory:

There are so many over the years that it just seems unfair to pick just one.

Leave a message for your fellow philosophers:

The biggest lesson I have learned in my time at Penn is that you only drown when you stop swimming. The second biggest lesson is to learn to ask for help – it is hard to go far alone.