Justin Guo

Favorite philosophy course:

PHIL 376: Justice – it’s an in-depth seminar on the handful of books that cut to the core of the theoretical foundation of our political economy! Grappling with these ideas clarified my understanding of the world in a tangible way I’ve never experienced before.

Favorite non-philosophy course:

ECON 104: Econometrics – a crash course on economic modeling, this course helped me understand the power of econometrics at the deepest level, and how to use those techniques responsibly. Time and time again I’ve come back to the things I’ve learned in that class.

Groups you were involved with at Penn:

PennQuest, The Daily Pennsylvanian

Post-graduation plans:

Macroeconomic Research for Credit Suisse

Favorite Penn memory:

Among many great memories, I’ve been unbelievably grateful to be part of PennQuest (pre-orientation program) every year of my time at Penn. It has helped me develop as a person, I’m always creating cherished memories with my fellow leaders, and have found some of the deepest friendships from the program.

Leave a message for your fellow philosophers:

I cannot understate the value of studying Philosophy. Directly and indirectly, Philosophy has continued to pay dividends in my life over the last four years. I’ve gotten most of my (non-Philosophy) jobs in large part because of Philosophy, I have clarified my personal values, I’ve had some of the most interesting conversations, and I’ve learned how to think critically about the world. There is nothing more I could ask of my experience.