Theme 4: Identity

How Should We Think About Social Identity?
Participating Members: Nicholas Sambanis (Penn); with Michael Kalin
Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict
Participating Members: Nicholas Sambanis (Penn); with Moses Shoyo

Parochialism, Social Norms, and Discrimination toward Immigrants
Participating Members: Danny Choi (Penn), Mathias Poertner (UC Berkeley) and Nicholas Sambanis (Penn)
As cross-border immigration increases due to economic globalization, wars, and climate change, there is more interaction between host and immigrant populations and more potential for inter-group conflict due to ethnic and religious differences. To reduce inter-group conflict, policymakers have emphasized the need to better integrate immigrants to host societies, so as to forge a common set of rules and norms concerning the boundaries of appropriate behavior. We provide real-world experimental evidence from Germany that ethno-religious differences cause bias and discrimination in everyday interactions between host and immigrant groups. We also show that cultural integration signaled through immigrants’ enforcement of local norms reduces, but does not eliminate, bias. An implication of our findings is that, as long as public debates and policies heighten the importance of ethno-religious markers, cultural integration will not be able to eliminate inter-group conflict.
Violence Exposure and Ethnic Identification: Evidence from Kashmir
Participating Members: Nicholas Sambanis (Penn); with Gautam Nair (Yale)
This project studies the conditions that lead peripheral minorities to identify with the state, their ethnic group, or neighboring countries. We contribute to research on separatism and irredentism by examining how violence, psychological distance, and national status determine identification. The analysis uses data from a novel experiment that randomized videos of actual violence in a large, representative survey of the Kashmir Valley region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, an enduring site of separatist and irredentist conflict. We find that a strong regional identity is a counter-weight to irredentism, but violent repression by the state can push members of the minority to identify with an irredentist neighbor. Violence increases perceived distance from the nation and reduces national identification. There is suggestive evidence that these effects are concentrated among individuals with attributes that otherwise predict higher levels of identification with the state. An increase in national status brought about by economic growth and information about integrative institutions are insufficient to induce national identification in a context where psychological distance from the nation is large.

Status-Seeking and Nation-Building: The “Piedmont Principle” Revisited
Participating Members: Nicholas Sambanis (Penn); with Simone Paci (Columbia University) and William Wohlforth (Dartmouth)
Violence Exposure and Identity Formation: Evidence from Cyprus
Participating Members: Nicholas Sambanis (Penn), Anna Schultz (Penn)