Trivia & Pizza Night II Winners

Congratulations for Team Gant (Marcus, Weichen, Artur (2nd time winner), Zoe and Gunnar)  for winning the Trivia game with a score of 9.9.

Their prize: 25$ gift card for Joe Coffee.

Team Rocket, Sweater, Team Sage and Team Quartet – better luck next time!

Also, here is a link for the Trivia questions and answers.

New Semester, New Website

I am happy to announce the Math Graduate Student Seminar new website. You can view this semester schedule on the Upcoming Talks tab, or browse the calendar on the right. This semester we will have 10 student talks, 2 faculty talks and 1 students’ Trivia Night.
We believe this website is another step in making the graduate student seminar great and hope it will help bring outside speakers.

Trivia & Pizza Night I Winners

Congratulations for team Quizzaster (Artur, Sammy, Thomas, Zhaodong and Adam)  for winning the Trivia game with a score of 62.5.

Their prize: 3 Nespresso Ristretto sleeves.

Team 1, Losing Team, Team 30 and Team Doge – better luck next time!

Also, here is a link for the Trivia questions and answers.

Trivia & Pizza Night – Sep 28

This week, on Friday, September 28th, we will be meeting at 7PM at the Physics Lounge Room (DRL 3E9) instead of the regular meeting at 12PM. There will be Pizza, Beers and a Trivia game.
Ellen, Jongwon and I found some time to prepare an enjoyable Trivia game (hopefully). We will split into teams of 5, there will be 4 categories (including Math) with roughly 5 questions per category. The questions will consist of: “1 answer question”, “list as many as you can” questions and questions that are based on hearing music and then answering.
See you there