The 78 Project Meets the Penn Arab Music Ensemble Trio

The Penn Arab Music Ensemble Trio L-R: Hanna Khoury, (Hicham Chami), Hafez Kotain & Kinan Abou-afach ? Dave Tavani
The Penn Arab Music Ensemble Trio
L-R: Hanna Khoury, (Hicham Chami), Hafez Kotain & Kinan Abou-afach
📷 Dave Tavani
Lavinia Jones Wright & Alex Steyermark of The 78 Project







Wednesday, 16 November 2016
5PM @ Lerner Center / Music Building 101
Department of Music
University of Pennsylvania
201 South 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Alex Steyermark & Lavinia Jones Wright of The 78 Project will meet the Penn Arab Music Trio for a discussion and a direct-to-disc recording session on Wednesday, 16 November 2016. Trio members Hanna Khoury (director of the Penn Arab Music Ensemble), Hafez Kotain, & Kinan Abou-afach will perform 2 pieces, one by the father of Egyptian popular music, Sayed Darwish, and one by cellist/composer Kinan Abou-afac. Question & answer to follow the recording session. This program is open to all, and will offer a rare glimpse of the disc-based recording practices of yesteryear that continue to influence how we create, listen to, consume, and study music today.

additional support provided by the kind people of the Year of Media Grants.

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