Current Demographics
Based on Census Data from 2017-2020, divisions by Census Tract
Race: African American

Race: White, Non-Hispanic

The Block Group that the Royal Theater is located in has an African American population of 36.46% and a White (non-hispanic) population of 61.99%. As indicated by the maps, the concentration of the African American population is greater towards the South, away from the city, whereas an inverse trend can be observed for the White population.
Per Capita Income

The average per capita income of this Block Group is $54,852, a relatively high per capita income across Philadelphia. Similar per capita incomes are observed closer to the city, whereas lower per capita incomes are observed towards the South.
Income Inequality

This area has an income inequality index of 0.5, a relatively high level of income inequality. The area to the North of this block, closer to the city, also has relatively high income inequality. On the other hand, income inequality appears to be lower in the South, where we observed a more concentrated African American population.
Unemployment Rate

This area has a 12.04% unemployment, which is much higher than the national or state average. There does not appear to be much geographic trends related to the unemployment rate.