Professor of Political Science at The University of Pennsylvania
International Intervention
“Stopping the Violence, Blocking the Peace: Dilemmas of Foreign-Imposed Nation-Building after Ethnic War” (with Kevin Russell). International Organization (forthcoming in 2021).
“External Intervention, Polarization, and Civil War” (with Stergios Skaperdas and William Wohlforth). Comparative Political Studies 53 (14): 2155-2182 (2020).
“How Strategic is UN Peacebuilding?” In Daniel Philpott and Gerard F. Powers, eds., Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
“United Nation-Building.” Keynote Address, International Symposium on Security, “New Trends in Peacekeeping: In Search for a New Direction.” National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan November 5-6, 2014.
Research reports and proposals:
“Conflict and Development in the Middle East and North Africa” (with Julia Choucair-Visozo). Background paper prepared for the World Bank MNA Flagship Study on Peace, Stability, and Development. September 2010.
“A Review of the Design and Evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Programs.” Background paper prepared for the World Bank Development Research Group. October 2005.
“Evaluating the Impact of Reintegration Assistance to Ex-Combatants: A Policy Research Proposal.” February 2006.
“Preventing Violent Conflict: The Scope and Limits of Government Action.” Background Paper Prepared for the World Bank’s World Development Report. February 2002.