Guiding Principles

Purpose of SASC Meeting Tool Kit
Structured meetings increase productivity and produce results. Effective team collaboration is essential for success in supporting our clients.
First step in team collaboration is a plan for meeting to gather information, make decisions, and plan next steps.
Guiding Principles:
  • Identify a desired outcome
  • Have the right people in the room; think about attendee roles.
  • Be respectful of participant’s time.
Best Practices
  • Define a clear purpose for the meeting.
  • Define the type of meeting so that team members understand their roles in meeting, are prepared with information, and ready to participate. Here are some possible meeting types.
  • Based on the type of meeting, use one of the provided templates [available here] in order to structure meeting.
  • Determine the methods of communication to be used for scheduling and planning.
  • Develop a draft agenda [template can be found here] that includes time allotted for each topic.  Be sure to include time to review previous current status, tasks completed between meetings, tasks assigned during the meeting and evaluation of meeting progress/procedures.
  • The duration of the meeting should be based on duration of content. Ensure that recognizable results can be achieved during the allotted time. Participants should feel that their time is being used wisely.
  • Assign roles (lead, notetaker, facilitator) for meetings [see here for possible roles]; Determine whether it is necessary to change roles meeting to meeting.
The most effective meetings are scheduled so that all necessary participants are able to attend.
Guiding Principles:
  • Use calendaring and communication systems effectively
  • Determine regular venue
Best Practices:
  • Select venue with proper facilities (projector, conference room phone, adequate capacity, etc.)
  • Use SASC-preferred calendaring platform for scheduling meeting, including the room. If possible, book the room a few minutes prior to start of meeting to allow for preparation.
  • Check Scheduling Assistant to ensure all required attendees are available or ask people to reply if they can or cannot attend
  • Provide draft agenda to attendees
  • Be aware of automated responses — has someone manually acknowledged that they can attend?
  • Changes to schedule should be performed in calendaring platform so that changes propagate to calendars. Use other methods to notify of the change as necessary
The best meetings are well-planned.
Guiding Principles:
  • Timely communication for providing materials, updates/changes


Best Practices:
  • Facilitator:
    • Ensure required documents have been provided to attendees as far in advance as possible
    • Ensure final agenda has been provided
    • Assign roles to attendees [see here for possible roles]
    • Remind participants about  tasks due & needed materials
    • One or two days prior to meeting, determine whether team is prepared and meeting can proceed.
  • Attendees:
    • If unable to attend, decline via calendaring system
    • Review agenda
    • Complete required tasks
 Effective meetings are structured and well-facilitated.
Guiding Principles:
  •   Keep meeting moving, be respectful of attendees time
  •   Ensure that everyone is heard and appreciated


Best Practices:
  • Facilitator:
    • Arrive early to prepare room, projector, conference room phone, etc.
    • Start on-time and end on-time
    • Review Agenda, take stock of agenda goals
    • Maintain group focus, stay on topic
    • Be mindful of distracting devices
  • Attendees:
    • Make every effort to arrive on time
    • Use devices responsibly
    • Be prepared to participate
An essential part of establishing a high-performing team is determining what should happen immediately following and between meetings.
Guiding Principles:
  • Be mindful of attendees; always consistently follow-up with meeting notes. It’s unlikely that outcomes will be accurately retained otherwise.
  • Don’t make attendees search for information. Use a consistent format and timely process for notes.
  • Create an open communication system so that everyone on the team is informed and comfortable sharing information between meetings.
Best Practices:
  • Notetaker promptly distributes draft notes to everyone as quickly as possible and asks for their confirmation or revisions within one or two business days.
  • Notes should be designed to ensure attendees and stakeholders are aligned, current, and aware of what needs to happen next.
  • After the feedback deadline, the notetaker incorporates any revisions and provides final version to team members
  • Project leads plan the next meeting if necessary.
  • Maximize the meeting time. Provide project updates in advance of your meetings.
  • Remind attendees about date/time/location of meeting via calendaring system or other methods if appropriate.