Polypyrrolinone Project – Smith/Hirschmann Collaboration (1987-2011)

In collaboration with Professor Ralph Hirschmann we have developed the nitrogen-displaced and carbonyl-displaced pyrrolinone scaffolds were designed to mimic both the hydrogen-bonding pattern and side-chain orientation of the b-sheet/b-strand conformation of peptides.The success of this design led to the development of potent pyrrolinone-based inhibitors of several proteolytic enzymes including HIV-1 protease, Renin, and matrix metalloproteases. More recently, we have extended the utility of the pyrrolinone scaffold by demonstrating that simple structural modifications lead to turned conformations mimicking the peptidal b-turn. Current pyrrolinone research is focused on improving the potency of our HIV-1 protease inhibitors and further development of the pyrrolinones as peptidomimetic scaffolds capable of adopting b-strand, b-turn, and helical conformations.










Referenced Publications: