Catalytic Antibodies-Hirschmann/Smith/Benkovic Collaboration
Referenced Publications:
R. Hirschmann, A. B. Smith, III, C. M. Taylor, P. A. Benkovic, S. D. Taylor, K. M. Yager, P. A. Sprengeler, and S. Benkovic. Peptide Syntheses Catalyzed by an Antibody Containing a Binding Site for Variable Amino Acids. Science 1994, 265, 234-237.
Smithrud, David B.; Benkovic, Patricia A.; Benkovic, Stephen J.; Taylor, Carol M.; Yager, Kraig M.; Witherington, Jason; Philips, Barton W.; Sprengeler, Paul A.; Smith, Amos B., III; Hirschmann, Ralph. Investigations of an Antibody Ligase. Journal of the
D. B. Smithrud, P. A. Benkovic, S. J. Benkovic, V. Roberts, J. Liu, I. Neagu, S. Iwama, B. W. Phillips, A. B. Smith, III, and R. Hirschmann. Cyclic peptide formation catalyzed by an antibody ligase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2000, 97, 1953-1958.