Socio-Spatial Carbon Collaborative Workshop
Date: 2017 March 1
Location: University of Pennsylvania, Economics Conference Room, first floor, McNeil Building, 3718 Locust Walk
2-4 pm: Introductions, presentations of the project and of members’ work
- Introductions (~10 min); opportunity to revise agenda
- Daniel will briefly present background and core aims of the project (~10 min)
- Kevin will lay out core details of his approach to carbon foot-printing, including preliminary work on our third-generation model; we will discuss steps taken so far, and discuss future steps (~40 min)
- Other attendees will introduce projects from their own work (with or without slides) that pertain, however indirectly, to our broader project of investigating social and spatial ecological inequalities (~45 min)
- Discussion of key points of convergence, prioritize topics for discussion after break, final remarks from anyone unable to stay for workshop’s second half (~15 min)
4:00-4:15: Coffee break
4:15-6:00 pm: Discussion of collaboration potentials and funding opportunities
- Discussion of potential collaborations, data issues, lingering questions on substance and methods (~60 min)
- Discussion of funding opportunities (~30 min)
- Wrap-up (~15 min)
Reading List:
- Ummel, Kevin. 2014. “Who Pollutes? A Household-Level Database of America’s Greenhouse Gas Footprint.” CGD Working Paper 381. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.
- Ummel, Kevin. 2016. “Impact of CCL’s proposed carbon fee and dividend policy : A high – resolution analysis of the financial effect on U.S. households.” Working paper v1.4. Washington, DC: Citizens’ Climate Lobby CCL & International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
- Solnit, Rebecca and Joshua Jelly-Schapiro. 2017. Nonstop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas. Oakland: University of California Press.
- Speilman, Seth E. and David C. Folch. 2015. “Reducing Uncertainty in the American Community Survey through Data-Driven Regionalization.” PLoS One 10(2):e0115626.
- Wachsmuth, David, Daniel Aldana Cohen, and Hillary Angelo. 2016. “Expand the frontiers of urban sustainability.” Nature 536:391-393.