Our Lab

The Penn Syntax Lab (directed by Julie Anne Legate) is an inclusive community of people working in generative syntax and its interfaces with morphology and semantics.  We are particularly interested in the theoretical implications of data from understudied varieties, and the scope of possible crosslinguistic variation. 

We are in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania, and have close ties with the XMorph Lab (directed by Dave Embick) in morphology and the Experimental Study of Meaning Lab (directed by Florian Schwarz) in semantics.  We are also part of the MindCore and ILST communities.

Click here to check out our upcoming talks. Our meetings take place during the academic year on Fridays from 9:00am to 10:15pm in a hybrid Zoom/in-person setting. Please reach out to “gmendes[at]sas[dot]upenn[dot]edu” if you’d like a Zoom link to join us.  Meetings over the summer are on an ad hoc basis.