Our covergirl in action

This is such a great image, Marilyn Monroe reading ULYSSES, that I knew we’d be using it somewhere on the site. But where? Fortunately, critic Declan Kiberd has made that decision, my job, and the jobs of a lot of Joyce fans a bit easier.

Kiberd’s book “Ulysses and Us; the art of everyday living” smartly puts Marilyn right up in front on your on your bookstore shelves (I just thought you’d want to see the full shot of her here).

The book is getting great reviews and I’m embarrassed to say of not had time to pick up a copy yet as I’ve been so busy with this blog!  Sure to be my next read, but I don’t think it would spoil the ending if any of you decide to tell me what you think of Kiberd’s take on the work.


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