The story about our edited iPad app pages has been all over the web in the past few days, and we’d like to take the opportunity to clear something up. We weren’t banned; Apple just asked us to make some edits. We are still in the iPad app store, and we’re quite happy to be there. We were surprised that fig leaves weren’t an option, but we did comply.
Secondly, the only pages Apple has specifically ASKED us to edit are pages 36 and 37. We made the decision to edit the pages with the nude Mulligan, which we only submitted to Apple in an update, after being asked to edit those two, which appear in the version currently in the app store.
This story has been picked up by a lot of news outlets, but since the original interview that contained Rob’s comments, a straightforward honest answer to the question, “What sort of changes did Apple ask you to make?” no one has asked us for a comment before running the story.
We consider all of this to be a side issue. We really feel that the bigger story is the experience the app gives the reader. We and our wonderful developers at BunsenTech put a lot of work into it, and we hope that that won’t be lost in the shuffle. The app is FREE, so please check it out if you get a chance. The edits really are not enough to ruin the experience, and if you want to see the unedited pages, you can find them on the site.