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Bloom enters Calypso’s cave. I like the movement from the long shot in the top panel to the close-ups in the bottom two. Again, Bloom seems to carry the posture of a supplicant, holding his hat and made small in the door frame; Molly is shrouded still in the “warm yellow twilight.” Why twilight if it’s morning?
Then, thanks to the close-up, we can have a great deal of drama generated by the eyes, all we see of Molly’s face so far. I also like how the conversation takes place in two separate panels, in effect creating a distance between the two even in the intimate space of the bedroom.
Note two objects in the room: the painting over the bed (about which more shortly), and the pillow at Molly’s feet, at the foot of the bed. That’s Bloom’s, and he sleeps with his head at her feet every night. What’s that about?