Just some odds and ends from the James Joyce world this week:
The occasion of Joyce’s 130th birthday this past Thursday meant that there was a lot of Joyce-related news:
First, Mary and Bryan Talbot’s collaboration — The Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes — was published this week by Dark Horse Comics. The comic tells the parallel stories of the relationships of Lucia and James Joyce and that of Mary Talbot and her father, James Atherton. Atherton was a prominent Joyce scholar – his “Books at the Wake“ is still a standard reference to Finnegans Wake. Here’s a story from Sex, Drugs & Comic Books about the book launch in London.
Sarah Funke Butler from Glenn Horowitz Bookseller wrote an interesting piece for The Paris Review for Joyce’s birthday. I don’t agree with all of her analysis of copyright law, necessarily, but there’s a great image of a manuscript note from “Sirens,” with an interesting discussion of Joyce’s writing process & the circumstances around the creation of Ulysses.
Old friend Damien Keane writes about Joyce and the resurgence of vinyl here.