Compliments and notices

Some brief but nice commentary from Book Blips. If you scroll down, you’ll find a few links to other people’s comments, as well.

The Joyce Centre in Dublin has given us a shout out on Facebook. Read what they have to say here, and, if you’re so inclined, leave a comment.

More kind words, courtesy of Steven Hart.  Thank you, Steven!

Props from PJ Prof at Bottom’s Dream.

More compliments.

Thanks, Irish Fireside!

Ulysses “Seen” in Australia.

From Jason Boog at Galleycat (courtesy of Media Bistro).

We made #1 on their list! Not sure whether it’s in any particular order, but we appreciate it, regardless. Click here to read.

Here’s a great slideshow of pics and sounds from the Joyce Museum’s ’09 Bloomsday celebration. Thanks to kierancrotty for the link!

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