Classin’ up the joint

Lengthy review of ULYSSES “SEEN” on the Web Comic Overlook. There’s a hot discussion brewing over it, as well. We encourage participation…

And so now IMDB has picked up the Paste Magazine writeup on Ulysses “Seen”. You may have read it on Paste’s blog, but it’s still great to see it on IMDB. has also picked it up, as has

One thought on “Classin’ up the joint

  1. it’s hard to take criticism seriously from a person who admits he hasn’t read the book and doesn’t understand it.

    or from from a comics critic who devotes two paragraphs out of 30-odd to actually discussing the comic.*

    withal, “ulysses,” which has been continuously in print for 90 years, read by millions of people, translated into at least twenty languages, including chinese, made into two movies, excerpted in a hit play on broadway, will probably struggle on.

    *incidentally, for those who like puzzles, there is an error in the comic, repeated in several panels.

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