Accounting for ULYSSES: Test Yourself!


Oh my word! If there’s one thing worse than trying to understand this book – it’s got to be doing my annual accounts. However money does factor heavily in the novel so we must all grit our teeth and test our knowledge of money matters in Joyce’s ULYSSES. Since I haven’t read the novel in its entirety you may possibly forgive my 1 out of 10 score! I know — I must do better, but I’ve a feeling Stephen would have been sympathetic to my plight. How will you get on? Continue on to our first quiz. Complete it successfully or miserably (like me) and who knows? We’ll more than likely do another. We think you’ll enjoy these quizzes and to be honest we’ve not accounted (geddit?) for you not enjoying them so get on with it and let us know how you do!


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