Vision and Mission


The Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology will make Penn a world leader in energy research by promoting integrative basic research aimed at meeting the world’s present and future energy needs.


The mission of the Vagelos Institute is to build upon the combined strengths of the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) and School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) to create synergism, new research directions, and productive solutions in energy science and technology. The fundamental research of Institute scientists will enable a range of energy solutions, balancing the short term and long term economic and environmental needs of society, as we seek to allow a deliberate transition from the current energy status to a sustainable future.


  • Facilitate effective and cross-disciplinary collaborations among Penn’s excellent faculty in SAS and SEAS
  • Train the next generation of energy scientists to collaboratively work toward effective solutions to support the future energy needs of society
  • Integrate with industry for effective transfer of new technologies and develop new opportunities for Penn collaboration with industry in energy research
  • Play a leadership role in helping Penn faculty secure new, externally-funded, energy-focused, large collaborative research grants
  • Make Penn home to one of the premier energy research and technology centers in the nation



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