
  1. Detection of twice-punctured tori in hyperbolic knot complements – submitted
  2. Punctured JSJ tori and tautological extensions of Azumaya algebras – submitted
  3. On the homotopy type of the space of fiberings of S^1 x S^2 by simple closed curves (w/ J. Yang) – submitted
  4. Deformation retraction of the group of strict contactomorphisms of the three-sphere to the unitary group (w/ D. DeTurck, H. Gluck, L. Lichtenfelz, M. Merling, J. Yang) – submitted
  5. Turaev Hyperbolicity of Classical and Virtual Knots (w/ C. Adams, O. Eisenberg, J. Greenberg, K. Kapoor, Z. Liang, K. O’Connor, N. Pacheco-Tallaj) – Algebraic and Geometric Topology, vol. 21 issue 7. 2021.
  6. TG-Hyperbolicity of Virtual Links (w/ C. Adams, O. Eisenberg, J. Greenberg, K. Kapoor, Z. Liang, K. O’Connor, N. Pacheco-Tallaj) – Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, vol. 28 no. 12. 2019