Project Specific Publications
Meskell, L. & Isakhan, B. (2024). Reconstruction across the Middle East: UNESCO
and the rise of heritage INGOs. Contemporary Levant. [Link]
Isakhan, B. & Meskell, L. (2023). Deploying destruction: Islamic State, international
actors, and public opinion in Mosul. International Journal of Cultural Policy. [Link]
Isakhan, B. & Meskell, L. (2023). Rebuilding Mosul: Public opinion on foreign-led heritage reconstruction. Cooperation and Conflict. [Link]
Isakhan, B. & Akbar, A. (2022). Problematizing norms of heritage and peace: militia mobilization and violence in Iraq. Cooperation and Conflict. 57(4): 516-534.[Link]
Isakhan, B. & Shahab, S. (2022). The Islamic State’s targeting of Christians and their heritage: genocide, displacement and reconciliation. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 28(7): 820-835. [Link]
Meskell, L. and Liuzza, C. (2022). The world is not enough: New diplomacy and dilemmas for the World Heritage Convention at 50 International Journal of Cultural Property , 1–17 [Link]
Meskell, L. and Liuzza, C. (2022). Saving the World: Fifty Years of the Convention,
Conservation, and Collaboration Change Over Time, Volume 11, Number 2, Fall 2022, pp. 142-161 [Link]
Isakhan, B. (2020). The Islamic State attacks on Shia Holy Sites and the ‘Shrine Protection Narrative’: Threats to Sacred Space as a Mobilization Frame. Terrorism and Political Violence, 32(4): 724-748. [Link]
Luke, C. & Meskell, M. (2020). New deals for the past: the Cold War, American archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria. History and Archaeology. [Link]
Isakhan, B. & Shahab, S. (2020). The Islamic State’s destruction of Yezidi heritage: Responses, resilience and reconstruction after genocide. Journal of Social Archaeology. 20(1): 3-25. [Link]
Meskell, L. (2020). Imperialism, Internationalism, and Archaeology in the Un/Making of the Middle East. American Anthropologist, 122(3): 554-567. [Link]
Meskell, L. and Isakhan, B. (2020). UNESCO, World Heritage and the Gridlock over Yemen. Third World Quarterly. 41(10): 1776-1791. [Link]
Luke, C. & Meskell, M. (2019). Archaeology, assistance, and aggression along the Euphrates: reflections from Raqqa. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(7): 831-842. [Link]
Isakhan, B & Meskell, L. (2019). UNESCO’s Project to ‘Revive the Spirit of Mosul’: Iraqi and Syrian Opinion on Heritage Reconstruction after the Islamic State. International Journal of Heritage Studies. 25(11): 1189-1204. [Link]
Shahab, S. & Isakhan, B. (2018). The Ritualization of Heritage Destruction under the Islamic State. Journal of Social Archaeology, 18(2), 212-233. [Link]
Meskell, L. (2018). A Future in Ruins: UNESCO, World Heritage and the Dream of Peace. New York: Oxford University Press. [Link]
Isakhan, B. & Zarandona, A. (2018). Layers of Religious and Political Iconoclasm under the Islamic State: Symbolic Sectarianism and Pre-Monotheistic Iconoclasm. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24(1), 1-16. [Link]