Hi all! This year I’m on tenure for my NSF fellowship so I’m not teaching currently, but I’m still active as a master TA to help organize TA training for the math department as well as running observations for our current TA’s.
Courses I have been a TA for at UPenn:
Fall 2020, Math 170: Ideas In Math
Spring 2021, Math 240: Calculus 3 (Linear Algebra and ODE’s)
Other Teaching:
Fall 2022, math 015 at the South Woods State Prison as part of PTI.
2016-2018, Linear Algebra, Real Analysis, Proof and Fundamentals with Bard College.
2017-2018, Art and Mathematics and a general TA with Bard MATH Camp with Bard College
Directed Reading Program
I advised the following undergraduate students for the DRP at the University of Pennsylvania:
2022: Zhaobo Han, Algebraic Topology via Differential Forms (Differential Forms In Algebraic Topology)
2021: Ruofan Zeng, Introduction to Algebraic Topology (Rational Homotopy Theory and Differential Forms)
2020: Adam Zheleznyak, Introduction to Category Theory (Basic Category Theory)