Event Category: UPENN

Dr. Jerry DeSilva, Professor of Anthropology, Darthmouth Penn Anthropology Colloquium. In-person attendance at Room 345, Penn Museum. Abstract: “What do 3.5-million-year-old footprints and maple syrup-loving black bear cubs have in common? Dartmouth College Anthropology Professor and Chair Jeremy DeSilva will discuss the mystery of ancient African footprints that may help add a chapter to the story of… Continue Reading Anthropology: Dr. Jerry DeSilva, “Old Footprints, New Questions”

Dr. Müge Durusu-Tanriover, Assistant Professor, Art History, Temple University Co-sponsored by the American Institute of Archaeology-Philadelphia and the Penn Museum. In-person attendance at Penn Museum, Classroom L2. Abstract “Polatlı Landscape Archaeology and Survey Project (PLAS) is a regional survey covering the district of Polatlı in Ankara (the capital of Türkiye), primarily known for its first… Continue Reading AIA-Philadelphia: Dr. Müge Durusu-Tanriover, “Of Cities and Landscapes: Results from the Polatlı (Türkiye) Landscape Archaeology and Survey Project (PLAS)”

Dr. Marc Domingo Gygax, Professor of Classics, Princeton Classical Studies Department colloquium, 402 Cohen Hall. Coffee and cookies included. Abstract: “The epigraphic material from Hellenistic Asia Minor provides extensive information about the free inhabitants of the poleis who lacked full citizenship rights and are typically referred to by scholars as non-citizens. In my presentation, I will discuss… Continue Reading Classical Studies: Dr. Marc Domingo Gygax, “Beyond Exclusion: Non-Citizens in the Greek Cities of Hellenistic Asia Minor”