Schedule (Destabilizing Religion in the Medieval Middle East)

All of the talks will be online at 5pm Eastern Time (with the exception of the last talk at 1pm ET) to be conducted over Zoom.


February 2

5:00pm: Opening Remarks by Anthea Butler, Department of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania


5:15pm Opening Panel

Jack Tannous (Princeton), “Religion and theology: What difference does it make?”

Muriel Debié (EPHE, PSL & Institut universitaire de France), “Discussing politics and religion among the Arabs in pre-Islamic time”

Marion Holmes Katz (NYU), “An age of faith?  The paradoxes of studying pre-modern Islam”

Chair: Jamal J. Elias


 February 9

Eve Krakowski (Princeton), “Religion and everyday writing across the first millennium: The case of Hebrew-script documents”

Chair: Steven Weitzman


 February 16

Valentina Grasso (ISAW), “The mobilization of faith and the politics of identities: Islam’s scripturalist antecedents in Arabia”

Chair: Joseph Lowry


 February 23

Suleiman Mourad (Smith College), “Decentering Islam: Orthodoxy, orthopraxy & heresy in the Middle Ages”

Chair: Paul M. Cobb


 March 2

Harun Küçük (UPenn), “‘If only he who condemns my religion were himself a Muslim’: The problem of belief in seventeenth-century Istanbul”

Chair: Reyhan Durmaz


March 16

Paul Heck (Georgetown University), “Emotions in classical Islam: Becoming one’s own religious authority”

Chair: Donovan Schaefer


March 23, 1pm (ET)

Heleen Murre – Van den Berg (Radboud), “Republic of letters: A minority perspective on religious change in an interconnected (Ottoman) world”

Chair: Megan Robb



Click here to register for the talks.


University of Pennsylvania, Department of Religious Studies

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