Jiapo Tai
M.S.E. Master’s Candidate
Master’s Candidates
Synthesis and Characterizations of nanoscale supercrystals.
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Ph.D. Candidate, Chemistryemail: kelbert@sas.upenn.edu |
Research: Synthesis of novel dendritic ligand systems
Visiting Scientist, Former Member
Former Members
Controlled synthesis, characterization, and luminescent properties of rare-earth doped nanophosphors
M.S.E. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Shape control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals and their optical properties.
Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Device fabrication and electronic transport studies of single and multi-component nanocrystal superlattices. Thermoelectric properties of IV-VI semiconductor nanocrystal assemblies.
Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Synthesis of alloy and intermetallic nanoparticles and investigation of their catalytic and magnetic properties for fuel clel, electrochemical catalysis, energy storage, and data storage applications.
Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Synthesis and characterization of wide band gap semiconductors for solar-to-fuel photocatalysis applications.
Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Postodoctoral Fellow, Former Member
Former Members
Self-assembled nanoparticle arrays and their collective property studies.
Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. Candidate, Former Member
Former Members
Synthesis, characterization, and investigation of bimetallic nanoparticles for use in fuel reforming catalysis. Characterization involves usage of synchrotron light source (ESRF) for obtaining total scattering data of transition metal, bimetallic alloy, and magnetic nanoparticles.
Post-doctoral Fellow
email: haorany@sas.upenn.edu
Non-toxic and earth-abundant thermoelectric nanomaterials for waste heat recovery; Electrical and thermal transport in nanocrystal thin films.
Post-doctoral Fellow
email: jissy@seas.upenn.edu
Engineering 3D architecture of nano-catalysts based on Ceria particles and understanding the role of metal-metal oxide interface on catalytic activity, with direct applications in three-way catalytic convertors for the efficient reduction of toxic pollutants from automobile exhaust.
Post-doctoral Fellow
Post-doctoral Fellows
Nanoparticle formation mechanisms extended from classical to non-classical pathway for synthesis engineering. Nanoparticle assemblies self-driven or not for optical,electrical and energy applications. Major use of X-Ray characterization techniques and electron microscopy. Read More
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Principal Investigatorp: 215-898-0588
email: cbmurray@sas.upenn.edu
2007- University of Pennsylvania: Richard Perry University Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering
2000-2006 Manager of the Nanoscale materials and devices department leading development of nanomaterials and exploring self-organizing phenomena for applications in IT.
1995-2000 Member of research staff, IBM Corp., T. J. Watson Research Center. Established a program in the preparation and characterization of nanomaterials and devices
1990-1995: Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
1989: Rotary International Fellow, University of Auckland, New Zealand
1985-1988: B.Sc. Honors Chemistry, Summa cum Laude, St. Mary’s University, Halifax N.S., Canada.
Awards and Distinctions:
2004 Debye Chair Professor, University of Utrecht, Utrecht the Netherlands
2004 R.B. Woodward Fellow, Harvard University, March 11&12, 2004
2003 IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, 2003
2002 Spring 2002 Distinguished Lecturer in Materials Science, Univ. of Maryland 03/22/ 2002
2002 Goodyear Lecturer in “The Frontiers of Chemistry” at Case Western Reserve University
2002 Selected as IBM Master Inventor
2001 Top 10% Patent Award for value to IBM Corporation in 2001
2001 IBM outstanding technical achievement award
2000 IBM Team Award for development of the IBM Materials Research community
1999 TR100: selected as one of Technology Reviews Top 100 young innovators Nov 4, 1999
1997 ACS Noble Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Research in Chemistry
1995 NSERC Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined)
1995 Elected as a Member of Sigma Xi
1990-1994 NSERC Canada “1967 Centennial Science Scholarship”
1989 Saint Mary’s University Gold Medal in Sciences
1989 Rotary International Fellowship, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ
1985-1988 Saint Mary’s University Presidential Scholarship
1986 Hinman Memorial Award in Chemistry
Research Topics:
2002-2006 Lead studies of multi-component nanoscale assembly and doping nanocrystal solids. I managed IBM’s effort to integrate carbon nanotube electronics and program focused on the use self-assembly for nanofabrication.
2002-2004 Bio-directed assembly of magnetic nanostructures
2000-2005 Synthesis of IR active quantum dots and quantum wires
2000-2003 Granular giant magneto-resistance in nanoparticle arrays
1995-2002 Synthesis of Nanostructured magnetic materials, IBM Corporation,
1990-1995 Physical/Inorganic chemistry of semiconductor nanocrystals, with Professor Moungi Bawendi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1987-1988 Development of surfactant based additives for the reduction of hydraulic drag in turbulent flows, with Professor John Young, Saint Mary’s University
1986 (summer) Design and construction of salt hydrate units for energy storage in solar thermal applications with Professor John Young, Saint Mary’s University
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Chemistry Ph.D. Candidate
email: snajmr@sas.upenn.edu |
Morphology and assembly control of rare-earth nanophosphors and the 3D visualization of nanostructures.
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Ph.D. Candidate, MSEemail: nkrook@seas.upenn.edu |
Research: Investigating the self assembly of anisotropic particles in block copolymers to create a new class of materials for advanced technological coating applications