Edmar Gonçalves

Edmar Gonçalves is a Senior Software Engineer at Zoom, who was born and raised in the islands of Cabo Verde.Being a proud native speaker of the Cabo Verdean Creole, he takes every opportunity he gets to advocate for the language, so much so that he has launched a website that makes it easier for people all over the world to learn it.

Sonia Magloire-Akpa

Mrs. Sonia Magloire-Akpa is a retired Public Officer, Linguist and Fashion designer from the Commonwealth of Dominica. Mrs. Akpa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honours) in Language and Literature from the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, Jamaica, and a Master of Arts degree in Linguistics from Université Laval, Quebec, Canada. Keenly interested in the promotion and development of the Kwéyòl language and culture, Mrs. Akpa has been an active member of the Konmité Pou Étid Kwéyòl (Committee for Creole Studies) of Dominica for over 40 years.

Mrs. Akpa has conducted extensive research on the Kwéyòl language and written several publications and articles including the following:
Use of Dominican Creole in the Media
Variation in the Vowel System of Dominican Creole
African retentions in Dominica’s culture
Use of the Kwéyòl language in Dominican literature
Kwéyòl as a business and development language.

Additionally Mrs. Akpa has contributed to several publications of the Konmité Pou Étid Kwéyòl over the last 41 years and recently co-authored a book entitled Annou Apwann Kwéyòl (Let us Learn Kwéyòl) with two other members of the Committee.

Mrs. Akpa has been a tutor of the Kwéyòl language at the UWI Open Campus, Dominica, the Alliance Francaise de la Dominique, the United States Peace Corps Volunteer Programme and other private groups.

Mrs Akpa is married with two children.

Sylvia Henderson

Sylvia Henderson is of Dominican heritage on both sides. Sylvia’s mother was from the village of Soufrière and her father was from the village of Grand Bay. Sylvia was born in London and spent some of her childhood residing with relatives in the villages of Soufrière and Bagatelle. As her full-time day job, Sylvia currently works as a Local Government Officer for a London (UK) Borough Council. Sylvia learned Kwéyòl during her childhood, mainly from her mother, but also from other Dominicans and Saint Lucian friends, neighbours and relatives in the local communities where the family resided. In her spare time, Sylvia is involved in the promotion of the Kwéyòl Language, which, amongst other activities, includes the teaching of the language to those who are interested in learning it.