GPC WebMO Usage Policy

updated September 7, 2018

Penn Chemistry Computing will manage the WebMO service running on the GPC. This policy is enforced concurrently with the GPC policy found here:

In light of the recent changes to the WebMO queuing system, class group accounts will now be assigned to a separate queue called webmo2.q. Every class has an admin account that has the ability to manage and monitor the WebMO users and jobs for that class. The faculty member teaching that class will assign WebMO administrative responsibilities to him or herself and/or a teaching assistant for that class. Research group accounts will continue to be assigned to webmo.q.

To ensure fair usage for all users in a class, class account admins are encouraged to recommend a guideline restricting their students to run no more than four (4) number of concurrent WebMO jobs at a time. This number will be established at the discretion of the class account admin(s) at the start of the class.

Researchers will not run more than four (4) concurrent WebMO jobs at a time. This will ensure fair usage among all WebMO users.

There is no guarantee that classroom or research users will be able to run four (4) jobs concurrently.

Penn Chemistry Computing and SAS Computing reserve the right to kill any job that may threaten the stability of the system.

Users who wish to use Gaussian and GAMESS resources beyond the restrictions set forth by WebMO must use their GPC shell accounts to submit jobs. This will require the user to learn how to submit GPC jobs using whatever job submission scripts are available. Gaussian users will be required to manage their own checkpoint files to restart killed jobs.

This policy will be modified on an as-needed basis and will be posted on this page.