Fees and Services

The X-ray Crystallography Facility at the University of Pennsylvania provides services that include: crystal sample inspection, crystal mounting, unit cell determination, data collection, data processing, and data finalization. Data finalization includes structure solution, refinement and report generation. Files that are available to users include: RES, HKL, CIF, and others. For depositing CIFs in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), please give at least 2 weeks notice prior to manuscript submission.


X-ray Facility Fees (Effective 7/1/2023)

Service U Penn Chemistry Department Other U Penn Departments and External Non-profit Customers
Crystal Structure Package* $330 $600
Partial Data Collection** $75 $135
Powder XRD $15/sample $27.50/sample
* Includes sample examination, mounting, unit cell determination, data collection, data processing, structure solution and refinement, and report generation.
** Includes sample examination, mounting, unit cell determination and collection of data that results in a <90% completeness structure.


For external organizations, please email xray-help@sas.upenn.edu for more information regarding crystal sample analysis.