Students and staff of the Department of Chemistry that are interested in running samples during evenings and weekends can be trained on both instruments. Please fill out the training request form. Prepare crystals suitable for diffraction using a compound that is both air and moisture stable to use during training (the sample can be of a known molecule) and print out a user guide. If no sample is available, we have stable practice crystals in the lab.
X-ray Diffractometer Training Request Form
Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S (dual micro-focus source)
The Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S diffractometer is equipped with a four-circle kappa-axis goniometer and HyPix-6000HE HPC detector with an Oxford CryoSystems CryoStream 700 Crystal Cooling System allowing for a data collection temperature range of 80 – 400 K. It is equipped with dual micro-focus sources to collect data on routine, well-diffracting samples (using Mo Kα radiation) as well as small and weak samples (Cu Kα radiation). The Cu source also enables the determination of absolute structure when an atom heavier than oxygen is not present. Data processing is performed using Rigaku Oxford Diffraction’s CrysAlisPro software package (for processing HPC data). Structure solution and refinement are performed using a variety of programs including the SHELXL/SHELXT package, Olex 2, Crystal Structure, X-Seed, and Platon.
Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S (single micro-focus source)
The Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S diffractometer is equipped with a four-circle kappa-axis goniometer and Dectris Pilatus3 200K HPC detector with an Oxford CryoSystems CryoStream 800 Crystal Cooling System allowing for a data collection temperature range of 80 – 400 K. It is equipped with a micro-focus source to collect data on routine, well-diffracting samples (using Mo Kα radiation). Data processing is performed using Rigaku Oxford Diffraction’s CrysAlisPro software package (for processing HPC data). Structure solution and refinement are performed using a variety of programs including the SHELXL/SHELXT package, Olex 2, Crystal Structure, X-Seed, and Platon.
Other Lab Equipment
Meiji Microscope (EMZ-8DR, PKL-2 LED base) with HD1500 camera and monitor
MiTeGen loops and goniometer bases, glass fibers, Hampton Research microtools and Cryoloops, cryoprotectants (paratone oil, Apiezon grease, fluorolube) and so much more!
University of Pennsylvania Department of Chemistry | 231 S. 34 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
(215)-898-3505 | | © Copyright 2016 – 2017