Why should I apply to DEEPenn STEM?
Choosing to go to graduate school is a pivotal decision that significantly shapes your academic and professional future. DEEPenn STEM offers a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional learning and provides participants a unique blend of opportunities that can greatly influence this decision:
- Insider Insights: Gain firsthand insights into the culture, atmosphere, and ethos of the graduate programs you are considering. Attending DEEPenn STEM allows you the opportunity to explore and experience the University of Pennsylvania beyond what’s presented on paper.
- Clarify Your Goals: You do not need to be completely sure about pursuing an advanced degree in STEM. However, we hope that if you decide to apply to this event, you are seriously considering applying to a STEM graduate program after college as this is an opportunity for you to clarify your academic and career goals. Insightful discussions with faculty, students, and peers can help you make an informed decision about the alignment of a graduate program with your aspirations.
- Meet Faculty and Researchers: This personal interaction provides valuable perspectives on the faculty’s approach to teaching, research, and potential mentorship.
- Explore Research Opportunities: Get acquainted with the research facilities, laboratories, and resources available to graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Networking Opportunities: Build a network with fellow prospective students who share your academic interests, as well as current graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty and staff. Expand not only your connections but also catch a glimpse into the collaborative nature of the academic and research community at the University of Pennsylvania.
- Interactive Workshops and Sessions: Engage in activities that focus on decoding the path to a graduate degree, the application process, the art of curating a competitive application, accessing resources and communities during the journey, and building a supportive network as a PhD student. These sessions equip you with the skills needed to position yourself to be a strong candidate for graduate school.
- Boost Confidence: Attend DEEPenn STEM to gain confidence in your decision to pursue graduate studies. Experiencing the campus, meeting potential mentors, and immersing yourself in the academic environment can be just the reassurance you need.
Ultimately, attending DEEPenn STEM is an investment in your academic and professional future. It allows you to go beyond brochures and websites, offering a firsthand experience that can significantly impact your decision-making process.
Apply to DEEPenn STEM and take the first step toward shaping your academic journey.
Who can apply to be part of this event?
US citizens and permanent residents enrolled in US colleges and universities (including US territories) who are currently classified as a freshman, sophomore, or juniors. Moreover, this event is designed for students from backgrounds that may have limited access to opportunities and resources, such as the following: few opportunities to conduct research, little knowledge about graduate school and the application process. We aim to broaden participation and so encourage students with diverse experiences & perspectives to apply.
Are international students and domestic students residing abroad eligible to apply for DEEPenn STEM?
This program does not have funds for international and domestic scholars residing abroad (including U.S. overseas military bases) during this time.
What do I need to do to apply?
The application form consists of a few short questions (300 words or less) to help us learn about you, your academic interests and your academic journey thus far.
When will I know if I got accepted?
All applicants will receive an email by early to mid-August.
Is this an in-person event?
Yes, as of now we anticipate this being an in-person event. If funding or the public health situation in Philadelphia changes dramatically around the time of the event or if the University of Pennsylvania re-introduces visitor restrictions, we will switch to an online format and notify participants as soon as possible.
Is this event free?
The application submission is free, and if you are selected to be part of this event, your travel and lodging expenses will be covered by the University of Pennsylvania. This is subject to approval of funds.
Do I need to be completely sure that I want to pursue an advanced degree in a STEM discipline before applying?
No, you do not need to be completely sure about pursuing an advanced degree in STEM. However, we hope that if you decide to apply to this event, you are seriously considering applying to a STEM graduate program after college.
What can I expect to get upon attending this event?
You will get the opportunity to learn about the graduate school application process for STEM programs, network with faculty, current graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars at the University of Pennsylvania, establish and develop mentoring relationships with faculty and graduate students, and learn about life as STEM graduate student and become part of a nationwide group of diverse undergraduates that is interested in pursuing advanced degrees in STEM.