
Dirk Krueger’s Discussions of Other People’s Work

Macroeconomics of Mental Health Boaz Abramson, Job Boerma and Aleh Tsyvinski October 2024, NBER EFG Meetings
Efficient Redistribution Corina Boar and Virgiliu Midrigan October 2020
College Education and Income Contingent Loans in Equilibrium: Theory and Quantitative Evaluation Kazushige Matsuda and Karol Mazur October 2020
Imperfect Risk-Sharing and the Business Cycle David Berger, Luigi Bocola and Alessandro Dovis August 2019
Consumption Inequality and the Frequency of Purchases Olivier Coibion, Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Dmitri Koustas January 2018, ASSA Meetings
The Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects of Progressive Wealth Taxes Baris Kaymak and Markus Poschke January 2017, ASSA Meetings
Balance Sheet Recessions  Zhen Huo and Jose-Victor Rios-Rull Macro Dynamics with Heterogeneity Workshop in London June 2013
Wage Volatility and Changing Patterns of Labor Supply Hye Mi You, Jay Hong and Byoung Hoon Seok New York/Philadelphia Quantitative Macroeconomics Workshop May 2013
Consumption Inequality and Family Labor Supply Richard Blundell, Luigi Pistaferri and Itay Saporta-Eksten PSID Workshop March 2013
Decentralization, Communication, and the Origins of Fluctuations George-Marios Angeletos and Jennifer La’O Hydra Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics October 2011
Demography and International Capital Flows David Backus, Thomas Cooley and Espen Henriksen NY/Philli Workshop on Quantitative Macroeconomics April 2011
On the Welfare Effect of Social Security in a Model with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk Daniel Harenberg and Alexander Ludwig Cologne Workshop on Macroeconomics February 2011
Mortgage Loans, the Decline of the Housing Saving Rate and the Increase in Risk Sharing Heng Chen and Christoph Winter Cologne Workshop on Macroeconomics September 2010
What Determines Annuity Demand at Retirement? Guiseppe Cappelletti, Giovanni Guazzarotti and Pietro Tommasino ECB Conference June 2010
Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy under Rare Disasters: The Role pf Government Debt and Monetary Conservatism  Stefan Niemann and Paul Pichler EER Conference in Philadelphia June 2010
Aggregate Shocks and the Volatility of House Prices Victor Rios-Rull and Virginia Sachez-Marcos Housing Conference at the LSE May 2009
Housing and Debt over the Life Cycle Mateo Iacoviello and Marina Pavan ECB Conference December 2008
House Prices, Foreclosures, and Bail-Outs Carlos Garriga and Don Schlagenhauf Sveriges Riksbank Conference September 2008
Accounting for the Changes in the Homeownership Rate Matthew Chambers, Carlos Garriga and Don Schlagenhauf EFG Meeting February 2008
Fiscal Policy in an Incomplete Markets Economy  Francisco Gomes, Alexander Michaelides and Polkovnichenko AEA Meetings January 2008
Competitive Search Equilibrium with Frims’ Recall Javier Fernandez-Blanco Villa Mondragone Conference July 2007
Labor Market Matching with Precautionary Savings and Aggregate Fluctuations Krusell, Mukoyama and Sahin NY/Philadelphia Quantitative Macro Workshop May 2007
From Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves in a Long Lifetime Nobu Kiyotaki, Alex Michaelides, Kalin Nikolov Conference in Honor of Ed Prescott in Tokyo November 2006
Voting over Type and Size of a Pension System when some Individuals are Myopic Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Dario Maldonado and Pierre Pestieau TAPES Conference on Public Policy in Uppsala June 2006
Private Debt and Income Inequality: A Business Cycle Analysis Matteo Iacoviello ECB-IMOP Conference in Hydra June 2005
Preferences and the Dynamic Representative Consumer Christos Koulovatianos 2005 RTN Conference in Frankfurt May 2005
Asset Pricing Implications of Pareto Optimality with Private Information Narayana Kocherlakota and Luigi Pistaferri 2005 Bundesbank Spring Conference in Berlin May 2005
Housing Collateral and Consumption Insurance Across US Regions  H. Lustig and S. van Nieuwerburgh 2005 Econometric Society Winter Meetings January 2005
United States Inequality Through the Prisms of Income and Consumption  D. Johnson, T. Smeeding and B.B. Torrey 2005 ASSA Winter Meetings January 2005
The European Unemployment Experience: Theoretical Robustness L. Ljungqvist and T. Sargent ASU Labor Market Conference March 2004
Optimal Policy with Endogenous Fiscal Constitutions S. Albanesi and C. Sleet ASSA Meetings in Washington January 2003
A Quantitative Theory of Unsecured Consumer Credit with Risk of Default S. Chatterjee, D. Corbae, M. Nakajima and V. Rios-Rull Philadelphia FED Conference of Monetary Theory October 2002
Two-Sided Repeated Moral Hazard  Rui Zhao AEA Conference Atlanta January 2002