We work with scientists across the globe and have ongoing US and international collaborations towards better and faster solutions of fundamental problems in areas from condensed matter, nanoelectronics & quantum computing, to interdisciplinary topics linking basic physics with electronics, biology & medicine.
Recently we have contributed to the understanding and development of 2D materials as nanoporous membranes (membranes with holes to allow for water, ion and molecule passage) for applications in water treatment, desalination as well as biomarker analysis and DNA sequencing.
Undergraduate and graduate students, and postdocs have the opportunity to travel and participate to the leading conferences in the field. In the past, students (including undergraduates) and postdocs from our lab have travelled and given presentations of our research results and visited many universities and countries including: Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Canada, Taiwan, France, Germany, Switzerland and many others (see below).
- Talk at Brown University, 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADLuusZQlW8
More also on the news page :
Talks, Posters, Past & Upcoming Planned Travel:
- June 4 – 7, 2025. MME SEE 2025, 6th Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Congress of South-East Europe 2025, Trebinje, RIH, 2025. https://mme-see.org
- June 2 – 3 or June 30- July 1, 2025. DOE’s Quantum Information Science in Materials Sciences and Engineering Division PI meeting, Washington DC area, 2025.
- May 19 – 23, 2025. International Conference “Advances in Solid State Physics and New Materials – Celebrating 30 Years of the Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials”, Belgrade, Serbia.
The conference will cover the following topics:
- Novel Quantum Materials
- Strong Correlations
- Ordering Phenomena and Phase Transitions
- 2D Materials and Interfaces
- Topology
- Magnetism
- Unconventional Superconductivity
- Semiconductors
- Soft Matter
The conference venue is the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (https://www.sanu.ac.rs) and the Institute of Physics Belgrade (www.ipb.ac.rs). The event marks the 30th anniversary of the Center for Solid State Physics and New Materials at the Institute of Physics Belgrade and is organized as a part of the Project Hidden Phases in 2D Quantum Materials that has recently been funded by the European Commission.
- May 13 – 15, 2025. Beilstein Nanotechnology Symposium 2025, Defect-mediated engineering of nano materials for energy and quantum applications, Rudesheim am Rhein, Germany. https://www.beilstein-institut.de/en/symposia/defect-mediated-engineering-of-nanomaterials/
- January 18 – 25, 2025. Single Molecule Protein Sequencing, Bolzano, Italy. https://www.smps2025.com
- November 15, 2024. Physics Colloqium, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, Virginia.
- October 16 – 18, 2024. 3rd Frontiers in Electron Microscopy For Physical and Life Sciences, Princeton University, NJ. https://conferences.nature.com/event/FrontiersElecMicro3/summary
- September 9 – 13, 2024. Elmina 2024, Belgrade, Serbia. https://www.elmina.rs
- September 2 – 6, 2024. 25th Yucomat 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
- https://mrs-serbia.org.rs/index.php/yucomat/yucomat-2024-xiii-wrtcs
- July 28 – August 1, 2024. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Cleveland, Ohio, https://mmconference.microscopy.org/
- June 11 – June 13, 2024. NHGRI grantee meeting, Advances in Genomic Technology Development (AGTD) 2024 Annual Meeting, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT.
- June 8 – June 15, 2024. Invited talk. From Solid State to Biophysics XI, Cavtat, Croatia. https://www.physics2bio.org
- May 2-3, 2024. “Forum on Quantum Systems” taking place at Penn.
- January 21 – January 25, 2024. Invited talk. Lenzerheide 2024 Nanofluidics Conference, Lenzerheide , Switzerland. https://nanofluidics2024.epfl.ch
- November 6 – November 9, 2023. Invited talk. Black Forest Nanopore Meeting (BFNM 2023), Freiburg im Breisgau , Germany. https://www.hahn-schickard.de/nanodiag/black-forest-nanopore-meeting
- September 25 – September 28, 2023. Invited talk. SALVE (Sub-Angstrom Low-Voltage Electron microscopy) 2D23 symposium, SALVE2D23, Ulm, Germany.
- July 23 – July 27, 2023. Invited talk. M&M 2023 Symposium P02 (July 23-27, 2023), Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis MN. https://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2023/program/descriptions.cfm#physical
P02 – Atomically Precise Manipulation of Materials
Atomically precise manipulation was first achieved with scanning probe microscopies, which continue to produce important advances using surface atoms and vacancies. However, recent developments in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) instrumentation have made it possible to focus electron beams with sub-atomic precision, opening up new possibilities for manipulating strongly bound materials, including in the bulk. At the same time, other charged particle beams, including helium ion microscopy, have been added to the scientific arsenal, and advances in atomistic modeling and theory have elucidated new details of the beam-matter interaction, helping guide experiments. These breakthroughs have led to a series of studies on the controlled structuring, etching, deposition, phase change, and ultimately manipulation of individual atoms. This symposium will gather leading experts from this new frontier of materials science, including advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, with a focus on atomic-level control.
Toma Susi, University of Vienna, Austria
Andrew Lupini, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Demie Kepaptsoglou, University of York, UK
Quentin Ramasse, SuperSTEM Laboratory, UK
- July 10 – July 13, 2023. Invited talk. “Nanofluidics in physics and biology : Bridging theory and experiments on nanopore translocation of confined biopolymers and ions”, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2023.
- June 26 – June 30, 2023. Invited talk. Symposium of Condensed Matter Physics (SFKM), Belgrade, Serbia, 2023. https://www.sfkm2023.ipb.ac.rs
———————————————————————————————– - June 26 – June 29, 2023. Invited talk. 2D TMDs 2023 Conference, Cambridge, UK, 2023. https://www.2dtmds2023.com
- June 8 – June 10, 2023. NHGRI grantee meeting, UC San Diego, San Diego, California.
- May 29 – June 2, 2023. BNW2023, Inaugural workshop on Boron Nitride, Montpellier, France. https://bnw2023.sciencesconf.org
- May 8 – May 12, 2023. Invited talk. Conference: “Defects in Two-Dimensional Materials”, Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation, Bad Honnef, Germany.
750. WE-Heraeus-Seminar
Where: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Scientific organizers: Dr. Arkady V. Krasheninnikov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden • Prof. Dr. Thomas Michely, U Köln • Prof. Dr. Marika Schleberger, U Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg • Dr. Stefan Facsko, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden
Defects in crystalline solids are ubiquitous. It is the second law of thermodynamics that gives rise to the appearance of a certain amount of disorder in materials at finite temperatures. Defects have a strong influence on the electronic, optical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the solids, normally deteriorating their characteristics, but they can also be useful, e.g., for doping of semiconductors or quantum computing. Defects are also present in two-dimensional (2D) materials, which have recently been on the forefront of research in materials science, physics and chemistry. The reduced dimensionality of 2D materials, strongly affects the behavior of native and irradiation-induced defects in these systems, so that many concepts of the physics of defects in bulk systems are not applicable for 2D materials or requirem substantial modifications. The goal of the Seminar is to bring together active researchers in the field to discuss “state of the art” in theory and experiment dealing with the physics of defects in 2D materials. The effects of various imperfections on the properties of 2D systems will be addressed. The attendees will learn about recent developments in the theorectical methods and characterization techniques used to study deffects in 2D materials. Particular attention will be paid to defects in technologically important graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides. The response of 2D materials to ion and electron irradiation will also be addressed.
January 30, 2023. Invited talk. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Title: “Punching holes in one-atom thick materials”
January 18 – January, 2023. Invited talk. International Nanofluidics Symposium, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Organizers: Prof. Slaven Garaj and Prof. Sui Zhang.
- November 27 – December 2, 2022. Invited talk. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. https://www.mrs.org/meetings-events/fall-meetings-exhibits/2022-mrs-fall-meeting
Symposium: 2D Layered Materials and Heterostructures for Ubiquitous Electronics, Sensors and Beyond. The main topics covered in this symposium are the following:
Synthesis and processing of electronically-relevant 2D materials
Theory and modeling of sensing and electronic properties of 2D materials
Unique characterization and in-situ evaluation of 2D systems
Fundamental mechanisms government 2D materials based chemical and biosensors
The potential of 2D materials in sensing COVID-19 or future variants
Emergent and advantageous electronic and sensing properties of 2D materials and heterostructures
Devices and integrated electronic/sensing platforms and future applications
- November 9 – November 10, 2022. Electron and Scanning Probe Microscopies Principal Investigators Meeting, supported by the Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMS&E) in the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES). More information can be found at the meeting website,https://www.orau.gov/espmpi2022 .
- October 31 – November 3, 2022. Invited talk. Delft, Netherlands, Single-Molecule Protein Sequencing (SMPS3) conference
Modern DNA sequencing technologies have revolutionized genomics and biomedical research, but extending these techniques to routine analysis of the human proteome, particularly at the single-protein level, remains a global challenge. A highly sensitive sequencing technology, ideally addressing proteins at the single-molecule level, will create the opportunity for single-cell proteomics and real-time screening for on-site medical diagnostics, and will pave the road towards the development of a new, fast, and reliable diagnostic tool for healthcare.
Following the first conference series on “Single-molecule Protein Sequencing” held in Delft, the Netherlands (2017) and the second one held in Jerusalem, Israel (2019), we are pleased to announce our third international conference on this topic to be held back in Delft, the Netherlands. This conference will bring together leading researchers who are pioneering the development of single-molecule protein sequencing techniques.
- Single-molecule fluorescence
- Nanopores
- DNA nanotechnologies
- Protein chemistry
- Single-cell analysis
- Next-generation mass spectrometry
- Industry applications
- Emerging technologies
Museum Prinsenhof, Delft, The Netherlands
- September 28 – September 30, 2022. 2nd Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey https://conferences.nature.com/event/2ef0e93e-a10a-4bad-b844-a82f80e87dd9/summary
Recent advances in electron microscopy instrumentation and methods have greatly spurred progress in the physical and life sciences, from low-energy electron holography and vortex beams to cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. This conference will bring together researchers from physical and life sciences working on cutting-edge electron microscopy technologies, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing new challenges, promoting synergies and developing the next generation of instruments and tools.
- 29 August – 2 September, 2022. Invited talk. 23rd YUCOMAT 2022, Herceg Novi, Monte Negro
- 07/31/2022-08/04/2022, 2022. M&M 2022, Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting, Portland, Oregon, https://www.microscopy.org/MandM/2022/
- 07/12/2022-07/14/2022, 2022. NHGRI AGTD Meeting, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT. https://www.jax.org
- 06/26/2022-06/30/2022. Invited talk. Nanofiltration 2022, Achalm, Germany. https://nanofiltration2022.iamt.kit.edu/62.php
06/11-06/18/ 2022. Invited talk.”From Solid State to BioPhysics X: From Basic to Life Sciences’’, Cavtat, Croatia. https://dubrovnik.epfl.ch
- 05/23/2022- 05/27/2022. Invited talk. TAHOE Nanofluidics 2022, Tahoe City, CA.
- 05/07/2022- 05/13/2022. Invited talk. 2022 MRS Spring Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, Symposium: Nanoscale Mass Transport Through 2D and 1D Nanomaterials.
- 05/9/2022- 05/11/2022. Invited talk. Nanopore Workshop, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. https://www.jax.org/education-and-learning/education-calendar/2022/may/nanopore-sequencing
- 12/10/2021. Invited talk. Industry (Outreach) Seminar “Two-dimensional and Si-based nanopores: physics and applications”, Western Digital, CA. https://www.westerndigital.com
- 11/2/-11/5/2021. Invited talk, Graphene 2021
- 09/08/2021-09/10/2021. Invited talk. CECAM flagship workshop on Nanopores, “Nanopore Translocation and Nanochannel Confined Biopolymers: bridging theory and experiments”, Trieste, Italy
- 08/22-08/26/2021. Invited talk, Microscopy Conference 2021, Vienna, Austria (moved to virtual). https://www.microscopy-conference.de
- 08/23-08/25/2021. Keynote talk: Devices with “Zero D” holes for basic science and applications, Global Summit and Expo on Graphene and 2D Materials (2DMAT2021), Paris, France. https://www.thescientistt.com/graphene-materials/
- 07/09/2021. Experimental Physics Research Academy (EPRA)
- 06/29/2021
Invited talk on June 29, 2021: “2D membranes: are they realistically useful?”
Opening of the Institute for Advanced Membrane Technology (IAMT) 29 June 2021: Invitation to full day (online) workshop.
06/14-06/18/ 2021, Defects in two-dimensional materials (postponed), Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation, Bad Honnef, Germany. https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/seminare/2021/defects-in-two-dimensional-materials/main/
06/05-06/12/ 2021, Jubilary 10th conference in the series”From Solid State to BioPhysics X: From Basic to Life Sciences X’’, Cavtat, Croatia. (postponed for 2022)
05/02-05/06/2021, PICO 2021: Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy, Kasteel Vaalsbroek, Netherlands. https://er-c.org/pico2021/
- 04/18-04/23/2021, 2021 MRS Spring Meeting, Seattle, Washington. https://www.mrs.org/meetings-events/spring-meetings-exhibits/2021-mrs-spring-meeting
- 10/12-14/2020, 2020 Nanopore Electrochemistry Meeting, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. (virtual)
- 08/31-09/02/ 2020, CECAM Workshop:
“Nanopore Translocation and Nanochannel Confined Biopolymers: bridging theory and experiments”, SISSA, Trieste, Italy. (postponed)
- 07/07-07/10/ 2020, Nanofiltration 2020, Achalm, Germany. (postponed) http://nanofiltration2020.iamt.kit.edu
06/06-06/13/ 2020, Jubilary 10th conference in the series”From Solid State to BioPhysics X: From Basic to Life Sciences X’’, Cavtat, Croatia. (postponed for 2021) http://dubrovnik.epfl.ch/
- 05/27-29/2020, NHGRI Advanced Genomic Development Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. (virtual)
- 05/14/2020, Pappalardo Fellowships 20th Anniversary Celebration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA. (postponed)
- 12/01-12/06/2019, Invited Talk, Special symposium “2D Nanomaterials-Based Nanofluidics”, 2019 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. https://www.mrs.org/fall2019
- 11/15/2019, Invited Talk, Bioengineering Seminar Series, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA.
- 10/28/2019, Invited talk, Singh Center for Nanotechnology Annual User Meeting, Towards atom-scale control of materials and their device applications: Research facilitated by the Singh Center. https://www.nano.upenn.edu/singh-annual-users-meeting/
- 10/24/2019, Invited Lecture, IRIS 2019 Workshop “2D-based heterostructures”, Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences (IRIS), Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany. http://www.iris-adlershof.de/en/home.html
- 10/02/2019, Invited Talk, Harvard CIQM Quantum Material and Devices Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. http://ciqm.harvard.edu/quantum-materials-and-devices-seminar.html
- 09/20/2019, Hosting the NSF Workshop@ Penn: Enabling Quantum Leap, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. http://web.sas.upenn.edu/quantumleap2019/
- 08/21-08/22/2019, Invited Talk, Carbonhagen 2019, 9th Symposium on Two-dimensional Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark. http://www.carbonhagen.com/cbh
- 06/24-06/28/2019, Invited Talk, “Nanopore-based devices in few-atom-thick membranes for biosensing and filtration”, Astrobiology Science Conference AbSciCon 2019, Seattle, Washington. https://agu.confex.com/agu/abscicon19/prelim.cgi/Session/67173
- 06/05-06/06/2019, Keynote Talk, WIN (Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology, International Symposium: Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada. https://uwaterloo.ca/institute-nanotechnology/events/international-symposium-frontiers-nanoscience-and
- 05/28-30/2019, NHGRI Advanced Genomic Development Meeting, Boston, MA.
- 05/15/2019, PhD Defense Committee, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 03/9-16/2019, IWEPNM 2019 (March 9-16), Kirchberg, Austria.2019 Invited talk, International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials. https://www.iwepnm.org/2019/
- 03/4-8/2019, American Physical Society (March 4-8, 2019), Boston, MA.
- 03/2-7/2019, Biophysical Society Meetings (March 2-7, 2019), Baltimore, MD.
- 02/21-23/2019, ENM Conference in STEM (Feb 21-23, 2019), Washington, DC.
- 02/14/2019 – 02/15/2019, GrapheneforUS, New York, NY.
- 02/04/2019-07/2019, Dead Sea Water 2019 Workshop: Invited Talk, Nanomaterials at the water-energy nexus, Dead Sea, Israel. https://dsw2019.net.technion.ac.il/invite-speakers/
- 11/01/2018-11/02/2018, Invited Talk, Workshop: Atom by atom fabrication via electron beams and scanning probes, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Knoxville, Tennessee.
- 10/20/2018, BMES Annual Meeting, Applications of two-dimensional materials in healthcare, Atlanta, GA.
- 10/14/2018-10/15-2018, NSERC Panel, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
- 09/27/2018-09/29/2018, Keynote Talk, International Conference of Genomics, Shenyang, China. http://www.icgchina.org/keynote-speaker.html
- 07/12/2018, Princeton-Nature Conference: Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences, Princeton, NJ. https://www.nature.com/natureconferences/fempl2018/index.html
- 07/02/2018, ICSM 2018, Busan, Korea. http://www.icsm2018.com
- 06/30/2018, KAST International Workshop on Carbon Nanoelectronics, Busan, Korea. http://ntl.snu.ac.kr/KAST2018/main.htm?ckattempt=1
- 06/19/2018, Nanopore/Nanofluidics Workshop, Cavtat, Croatia http://dubrovnik.epfl.ch/index.php/nanopore-workshop/
- 06/16/2018, From Solid State Physics to Biophysics, Cavtat, Croatia. http://dubrovnik.epfl.ch
- 05/30/20, NHGRI Advanced Genomic Development Meeting, Boston, MA.
- 02/05/2018, Sydney Nano Theme and Domain Seminar, Sydney, Australia https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/sydney-nano-theme-domain-seminar-prof-marija-drndic-tickets-42695687952#
- 02/01/2018 January 29-February 2, ICONN 2018 – International conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. http://www.ausnano.net/iconn2018/
- 12/19/2017 December 19, Physics Department Seminar, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France. http://icb.u-bourgogne.fr/fr/
- 12/16/2017 December 16, IEMN (Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology) Group Seminar, Lille, France.
- 12/08/2017 December 8, Graphene Group Seminar, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
- 12/06/2017 December 6, Graphene Institute Seminar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
- 12/04/2017 December 4-5, Next generation sequencing technology and application congress, London, UK
- 11/13/2017 November 13-15, Accelerating Research in 2D materials and devices, Penn State University, State College, PA
- 10/24/2017 October 23-24, US-EU Workshop, Arlington, VA
- 09/25/2017 September 25, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, Brown University. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADLuusZQlW8
- 09/06/2017 September 4-8, Yucomat 2017, Meeting of Materials Research Society of Serbia, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
- 07/16/2017 July 16-21, Workshop on Nanopores, Bremen, Germany
- 05/30/2017 May 30 – June 1, Plenary Talk, EIPBN 2017 (Electron, Ion, Photon Beam, and Nanofabrication), Orlando, FL
- 05/24/2017 May 24-26, 3rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada, Montreal, Canada
- 05/22/2017 May 22-25, NIH Advanced Genomic Technology Development Grantee Meeting, Boston, MA
- 03/30/2017 March 30 – April 1, Keynote Talk, International Conference on Nanopore Technology, Shenzhen, China
- 2017/03/28 March 28-31, Graphene 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- 2017/03/21 March 21-22, Keynote Talk, Programmable Bio-inorganic Molecular Composites, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
- 2017/03/13 March 13-17, American Physical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- 2017/02/23 February 23, Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
- 2017/02/11 February 11-15, 61st Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA
- 2016/12/13 December 13, Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Delaware, Delaware
- 2016/12/08 December 8-9, NSF EFRI Meeting, San Francisco, CA
- 2016/11/22 November 22, CNST Nanotechnology Seminar, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD
- 2016/11/10 November 10, Physics Colloquium, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
- 2016/11/08 November 8-9, Center for Excellence for Nanosctructured Graphene, Denmark
- 2016/10/25 October 25, Condensed matter seminar, Penn State University , State College, Pennsylvania
- 2016/10/21 October 21, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
- 2016/10/19 October 19-21, Engineering and Life, Hanover, Germany Hanover, Germany
- 2016/10/10 October 10-12, EU-US Workshop on 2D Materials, Heterostructures and Devices, Manchester, UK
- 2016/09/01 September 1-10, Greta Pifat Mrzljak International School of Biophysics, Croatia
- 2016/07/10 July 10-15, 2016 Carbon 2016, Penn State, PA
- 2016/06/06 June 4-11, From Solid-State Physics to Biophysics VIII: From Basic to Life Sciences, Cavtat, Croatia
- 2016/05/09 May 9-10, 4th annual workshop on 2D materials, “Graphene and Beyond: From Atoms to Applications”, Penn State University, State College, PA
- 2016/05/03 May 2-6, “The effect of defects on the electrical and phonon properties of graphene and MoS2” European MRS (E-MRS) Meeting Lille, France
- 2016/04/26 April 26-27, 2016 Plenary Lecture at ImPACT International Symposium on InSECT 2016: Ultrahigh-speed and multiplexed sensing system using Incredibly Smart, Efficient and Compact devices by insect Technology (InSECT) Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan
- 2016/04/21 April 19-22, 2015 Graphene 2016 Genova, Italy
- 2015/12/07 December 7-11, 2015 HeteroNanoCarb 2015 Benasque (Aragon), Spain
- 2015/10/23 October 23-25, 2015 2015 APS Mid Atlantic Section Meeting , Morgantown, WV
- 2015/10/14 October 14-16, 2015 Graphene & 2D Materials Canada 2015 International Conference, Montreal, Canada
- 2015/09/07 September 7-11, 2015 19th Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics – SFKM 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2015/08/02 August 2-6, 2015 Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, Portland, OR
- 2015/07/22 July 22-25, 2015 Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress (DDTWC) 2015, Boston, MA
- 2015/06/28 June 28 – July 1, 2015 BPS Thematic Meeting “New Biological Frontiers Illuminated by Molecular Sensors and Actuators”, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2015/05/21 May 21-22, 2015 International Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices Workshop Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- 2015/05/20 May 20, 2015 Seminar at MIT hosted by Michael Strano’s group Cambridge, MA
- 2015/05/12 May 12-15, 2015 NHGRI Advanced Sequencing Technology Development Meeting San Diego, CA
- 2015/04/22 April 22, 2015 Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Colloquium Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY
- 2015/03/23 March 23-27, 2015 Selective Transport Through Nanopores: Physics Meets Biology Lenzerheide, Switzerland
- 2015/03/10 March 10-13, 2015 Graphene 2015 Bilbao, Spain
- 2014/12/12 December 12-14, 2014 18th SANKEN International Symposium and the 13th SANKEN Nanotechnology Symposium, Osaka, Japan
- 2014/10/17 October 17, 2014 Materials Science Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
- 2014/09/07 September 7-12, 20148th International Microscopy Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2014/08/24 August 24-29, 2014 7th International Conference on Molecular Electronics, Strasbourg, France
- 2014/07/06 July 6-11, 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, University of New England, Maine
- 2014/06/15 June 15-19, 2014 The European Workshop on Epitaxial Graphene and 2D Materials (EWEG/2D 2014), Primosten, Croatia
- 2014/06/07 June 7-14, 2014 From Solid State to BioPhysics VII: From Basic to Life Sciences, Cavtat, Croatia
- 58th annual EIPBN conference, May 26-30, Washington, DC, May 26-30, 2014.
- 7th conference ”From Solid State to BioPhysics VII: From Basic to Life Sciences”, Cavtat, Croatia, June 7-14, 2014.
- 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry, University of New England, Maine, July 6-11, 2014.
- Symposium on DNA Nanotechnology, Plenary Lecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, November 27-29, 2013.
- Crystal & Graphene Science Symposium 2013, Boston, MA September 4-5, 2013.
- University of Ulm, Germany, July 2013.
- 3rdNext Generation Sequencing, San Francisco, June 19-21, 2013.
- Novel Approaches to DNA Sequencing, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA), Stockholm, Sweden, June 9-14, 2013.
- Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, May 23, 2013.
- NHGRI Advanced Sequencing Technology Development Meeting, San Diego, California, April 29 – May 2, 2013.
- XIV Annual Linz Winter Workshop on “Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology and Nanoscience”, Linz, Austria, February 3-7, 2013.
- American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting Invited Talk, Baltimore, March 19, 2013.
- Nanoscale Biophysics Symposium, Biophysical Society Meeting, Philadelphia, February 2, 2013.
- 19th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid Phase Separation Techniques (ITP 2012), Baltimore, September 30 – October 3, 2012.
- CECAM Workshop on “Polymer translocation in nanopores”, Mainz, Germany, September 16 – 18, 2012.
- Meeting on “Applying Next-Generation Sequencing”, Providence, RI, August 13 – 15, 2012.
- CECAM Workshop on “DNA sequencing and detection with nanoprobes”, Pisa, Italy, June 11-13, 2012.
- Graphene Week 2012, Delft, Netherlands, June 4-8, 2012.
- Physics Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, March 2012.
- Nanopores Conference 2012, Lanzarote, Spain, February 2012.
- Gene, Genomes and Pediatric Disease (GGPD) seminar series, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, February 2012.
- Physics and BioDesign Colloquium, Arizona State University, January 2012.
- International Symposium on Clusters and Nanostructures (ISCAN), Richmond, Virginia, November 2011.
- Nano Day at UPenn, Symposium on “Local Probes at the Frontiers of Energy Systems and Biotechnology”, October 2011.
- Workshop on the “Many Interfaces of Physics”, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria, Vienna, Austria, September 2011.
- Telluride Workshop on Single-Molecule Dynamics, Telluride, Colorado, June/July 2011.
- Partnership for Research & Education in Materials (PREM), 5th Annual Symposium, Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao, Puerto Rico, May 2011.
- American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Forum for Emerging Clinical Diagnostic Technologies, 43rd Annual Oak Ridge Conference, Baltimore, April 2011.
- NHGRI Advanced Sequencing Technology Development Meeting, San Diego, California, April 2011.
- IWEPNM, Kirchberg, Austria, Winter School on Novel Nanomaterials, February 2011.
- 2011 Frontiers in Nanoscale Science and Technology Workshop, RIKEN Wako Campus, Wako, Saitama, Japan, January 5-7, 2011.
- Villanova University, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, October 2010.
- Rutgers University, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, September 2010.
- Clarkson University, Joint Seminar in Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering, September 2010.
- University of Chicago, Workshop on Electronic Transport in Nanoengineered Materials, September 16-18, 2010.
- Gordon Research Conference on Nanostructure Fabrication, Tilton, New Hampshire, July 18-23, 2010. Conference Program
- Harvard University, Physical Chemistry Lectures, The Woodward Lecture Series in Chemical Sciences, Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, October 2009.
- University of Delaware, Material Science and Engineering Seminar, October 2009.
- Frontiers in Nanoscale Science and Technology Workshop, Nanoelectronics & Nanophotonics, Spintronics & Quantum Information, Harvard University, May 2009.
- University of California, Irvine, Condensed Matter Seminar, April 2009.
- University of Notre Dame, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, April 2009.
- Columbia University, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) Seminar, January 2009.
- University of Arizona, Physics Colloquium, Department of Physics, November 2008.
- National Academy of Sciences, Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium, California, November 2008.
- Yale University, Condensed Matter Seminar, October 2008.
- Harvard University, SEAS Applied Physics Colloquium, October 2008.
- University of Notre Dame, Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, April 2008.
- Arizona State University, Physics Colloquium/Biodesign Seminar Series, April 2008.
- American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, “TEBAL: Nanosculpting devices with electrons in a transmission electron microscope”, New Orleans, March 2008.
- Cornell University, Applied Physics Seminar, February 2007.
- University of Pennsylvania, Physical Chemistry Seminar, Department of Chemistry, February 2007.
- Quantum Dots, 2007, Forth Lauderdale, Florida, December 2007.
- Drexel University, MEMS/NEMS Seminar, November 2007.
- University of Central Florida, Colloquium, Department of Physics, October 2007.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, ESP 2007 Workshop: “Excited State Processes in Electronic and Bio Nanomaterials”, Center for Nonlinear Studies Conference, Sante Fe, NM, October 2007.
- XVII Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, Vrsac, Serbia, September 2007.
- DuPont Central Research and Development, 2007 Discovery Chemistry Seminar Series, June 2007.
- International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO-2007), Minsk, Belarus, May 2007.
- Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Symposium: Low-dimensional materials – Synthesis, Assembly, Property Scaling, and Modeling; Title: “Nanoparticle Electronics: nanocrystal assembly and high-resolution device fabrication using transmission electron beams”, San Francisco, CA, April 2007.
- Notre Dame Workshop: “Fluorescence Intermittency in single molecules, quantum dots and quantum wires”, University of Notre Dame, April 2007.
- American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, March 2007, Denver, Colorado, Symposium on balancing career and family.
- Grenoble’s International Meeting in Molecular Electronics ElecMol’06, Grenoble, December 2006 (talk given by Claudia Querner).
- Cornell University, Center for Nanoscale Systems Seminar, October 2006.
- ICYS-ICMR Summer School 2006 on Nanomaterials, Tsukuba, Japan, July 2006 (talk given by Claudia Querner).
- American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Title: “Controlled assembly and electronics in semiconductor nanocrystal-based devices”, Session: Nanoscale Crystals. Baltimore, March 2006.
- Nanax 2 Conference: “Nanoscience with Nanocrystals”, Grenoble, France, January 2006.
- National Academy of Sciences, 9th Annual Chinese-American Frontiers of Science Symposium, sponsored by the Chinese-Academy of Sciences and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Xiamen, China, November 2005.
- National Academy of Engineering, Eleventh Annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, GE Global Research Center, Albany, NY, September 2005.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Condensed Matter Seminar, April 2005.
- University of Michigan, Condensed Matter Seminar, February 2005.
- Johns Hopkins University, Condensed Matter Seminar, September 2004.
- XVI Symposium of the Condensed Matter Division (SFKM’04), Serbian Physical Society, Serbia and Montenegro, September 2004.
- University of Delaware, Condensed Matter Seminar, May 2004.
- Princeton University, Condensed Matter Seminar, November 2003.
- Temple University, Departmental Colloquium, October 2003.
- McGill University, Departmental Colloquium, March 2003.
- UC Berkeley, Condensed Matter Seminar, March 2003.
- Harvard University, Condensed Matter Seminar, February 2003.
- University of Delaware, Material Science Seminar, February 2003.
- University of Florida, Condensed Matter Seminar, February 2003.
- Dartmouth College, Departmental Colloquium, February 2003.
- University of Pennsylvania, Condensed Matter Seminar, January 2003.
- University of Oregon, Condensed Matter Seminar, January 2003.
- University of Maryland, Condensed Matter Seminar, “Exploring the world of CdSe nanocrystals”, November 2002.
- NTT, Atsugi, Japan, Condensed Matter Seminar, “Transport in CdSe nanocrystal solids”, August 2002.
- 15th Symposium of the Condensed Matter Division (SFKM’01), Serbian Physical Society, Serbia and Montenegro, “Electronic transport in CdSe nanocrystal arrays”, October 2001.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Microsystems Technology Laboratory,“Microelectromagnets for particle manipulation”, February 2000.
- Brandeis University, Condensed Matter Seminar, “Microelectromagnets for particle manipulation”, February 2000.
- Harvard University, Quantum Coherence Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics,“Advances in atom manipulation using microtraps and guides”, October 1999.
- Centennial Celebration and Meeting of the American Physical Society, Atlanta, Georgia, “Microelectromagnets for particle manipulation”. March 1999.
- Temple University, Physics Department Colloquium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Microelectromagnets for atom manipulation”, November 1998.
- VIIIth International Conference on High Magnetic Fields, Tallahassee, Florida, “Electrical and thermal properties of microelectromagnets for atom manipulation”, October 1998.