all events are free & open to the public unless otherwise noted
AGF x SUE-C Grace Villamil ella heron Eli Neuman-Hammond6PM Sunday,19 November 2023 Pageant:Soloveev 607 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia, PA $10
VELOCITIES 212-9 PM Saturday, 16 September 2023 The Leader Theater 4102 Lancaster Ave Philadelphia, PA 1-5 PM electronic tonalities + video projections Alex Roldan Null Phi Infinity Chaka Benson June Lopez Stefano Daddi Chris Powell Baldor and The Euclidean Functions Huron Jerry Kaba video: Ellis Rovin & Ian Gold 12-6 PM Now & Then Marketplace + food trucks 2-5 PM workshops Modular Synths 101 • Jerry Kaba & Stefano Daddi Data Storage on Cassette Tapes • Iffy Books Lock Picking • TOOOL 6-9 PM electronic music performances w/ immersive video projections Richie Brown x Luminous Abstract Sandy James x Gralin Hughes Tangent Universes x Grant Bouvier 12-9 PM video installation by Sound Museum Collective
Ami Radunskaya, Yasi Poursamad, and Sili8PM Friday, 21 April 2023 Pageant:Soloveev 607 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia, PA PROGRAM Ami Radunskaya Looking For Joy for cello and dynamical system (absolutely chaotic!) Ami Radunskaya (who the "Sili Con.." piece was written for) will give a talk introducing some general concepts used in her work (she's a mathematician working on chaos), and then perform her piece called "Looking for Joy." Radunskaya has a series of related pieces and names them according to how she is feeling in that general time period. For example, there is an iteration called "Dangerous Passions." This presentation will feature dynamical systems computed in real time in the form of sound and video. Yasi Poursamad Sili Con Clarinet A duo improvisation between Yasi Poursamad and a machine called Sili. Don Buchla wrote the piece and built Sili to perform its part. This duo improvisation between acoustic instrumentalist and autonomous electronic instrument begins after the preformance of 7 notated phrases. Written for Ami Radunskaya by Don Buchla.
Frae-Frae: Daughter of Drexciya presents Fluency: The Language of Water and Who We Are An immersive sonic experience wading through memories, dreams, and reflections regarding how water can divide and unite, while never being defeated. @ POOL: A Social History of Segregation 3PM Saturday, 8 April 2023 The Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Drive Philadelphia, PA
LaFrae Sci Visiting artist LaFrae Sci will discuss and share ongoing work in subaquatic deconstructed techno soul in advance of the upcoming première of Fluency: The Language of Water and Who We Are, an immersive sonic experience wading through memories, dreams, and reflections regarding how water can divide and unite, while never being defeated. @ POOL: A Social History of Segregation 4PM Wednesday, 29 March 2023 The Fairmount Water Works 640 Waterworks Drive Philadelphia, PA
The above was made possible with the collaboration & support of: The Sachs Program for Arts Innovation University of Pennsylvania Department of Music Habithèque EMEAPP Meantime