8. Kraus, E. A. Total Cost of Dissipative Transport in Poriferan Aquiferous Systems. In preparation. 7. Kraus, E. A., Janmey, P. A., Paulsen, J. D., & Patteson, A. E. How to Train Your Sponge: Imprinting Mechanical Memories in Marine Sponge Tissue. In preparation. 6. Kraus, E. A. Global Tissue Rigidity is Optimized in Arborescent Sponges. In preparation. 5. Kraus, E. A., Mellenthin, L. E., Siwiecki, S. A., Song, D., Yan, J., Janmey, P. A., & Sweeney, A. M. (2022). Rheology of marine sponges reveals anisotropic mechanics and tuned dynamics. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(195), 20220476. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0476 4. Clark, A. T., Bennett, A., Kraus, E., Pogoda, K., Cēbers, A., Janmey, P., ... & Cheng, X. (2021). Magnetic field tuning of mechanical properties of ultrasoft PDMS-based magnetorheological elastomers for biological applications. Multifunctional materials, 4(3), 035001. DOI: 10.1088/2399-7532/ac1b7e 3. Tran, K. A., Kraus, E., Clark, A. T., Bennett, A., Pogoda, K., Cheng, X., ... & Galie, P. A. (2021). Dynamic tuning of viscoelastic hydrogels with carbonyl iron microparticles reveals the rapid response of cells to three-dimensional substrate mechanics. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13(18), 20947-20959. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c21868 2. Darafsheh, A., Kraus, E. A., Kim, M. M., Zhu, T. C., & Finlay, J. C. (2015). Performance characterization of a low-cost spatial frequency domain imaging system for the determination of optical properties in tissue-simulating phantoms and in vivo. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 3(12), 331-332. DOI: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2015.07.032 1. Kraus, E., Mesick, K. E., White, A., Gilman, R., & Strauch, S. (2014). Polynomial fits and the proton radius puzzle. Physical Review C, 90(4), 045206. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.045206
Emile A. Kraus
your sponge guy