GeMs in Math

Gender Minorities in Mathematics at UPenn


We meet regularly for BYOL (bring-your-own-lunch) events, usually inside or outside of DRL. We also try to get together for a social event about once a month, such as happy hours, Christmas Village trips, origami sessions, pumpkin-painting and ice-skating. Some of our events are jointly organized with Penn AWM.

Please let the organizers know if you would like to be added to the email list to find out about these events!

We also occasionally host larger events, like conferences and workshops, including:

  • UP Grade! (2024)
    • Workshop aimed at undergraduates who are underrepresented minorities in math who are applying to math graduate programs
    • See the webpage for more info
  • GeMTRAK (2024)
    • Weekend conference aimed at graduate students in geometry and topology in the Northeast region, with the goal of highlight the work of mathematicians in topology and geometry from gender minority groups.
    • Plenary speakers: Linda Chen (Swarthmore College) and Chikako Mese (Johns Hopkins University)
    • See the webpage for more info
  • Resourceful Women in Mathematics (2023)
    • Panel featuring Kathryn Hess of Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne and Malabika Pramanik of University of British Columbia, moderated by Angela Gibney and Mona Merling
    • Colloquium 1: “Topological Exploration of the Connectome” by Kathryn Hess
    • Colloquium 2: “Points and distances – what do we really know about them?” by Malabika Pramanik of University of British Columbia​
  • UP GRADe Workshop (2021)
    • Online workshop aimed at undergraduates who are underrepresented minorities in math who are applying to math graduate programs
    • See the webpage for more info
  • Woman UP (2019)
    • Workshop aimed at undergraduate women in math who are applying to math graduate programs
    • See the website for more info

Photo Gallery

Lunches outside DRL (2021)

Happy hour at Walnut St. Cafe (2021)

Dinner at Dim Sum House, with Penn AWM (2022)


Visit to the Christmas Village (2023)

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