
Oscar Aguirre-Mandujano (early modern Ottoman history)
Francesco Marco Aresu (medieval and Renaissance Italian literature, manuscript studies, history of the book)
Daud Ali (South Asian medieval history)
Abdulhamit Arvas (early modern English Literature, Mediterranean Studies, history of sexuality and race)
Christopher Atwood (Mongolian and late imperial/early modern Chinese history)
Cheikh Babou (ancient African history, colonial rule, Islam)
Caroline Batten (Old English and Old Norse)
Kevin Brownlee (medieval French and Italian literature and culture)
Rebecca Bushnell (English Renaissance, theater, Shakespeare)
Mauro Calcagno (Renaissance/Baroque music)
Mary Channen Caldwell (medieval/Renaissance music)
Linda Chance (medieval Japanese prose)
Roger Chartier (culture of the book)
Hsiao-wen Cheng (Early/Late Imperial China, East Asian religions, Chinese medicine, gender)
Paul Cobb (medieval Islamic history, the Islamic world and Latin Christendom)
Rita Copeland (literature, rhetoric, intellectual history)
Eva Del Soldato (Italian Renaissance thought and culture)
Ivan Drpić (Byzantine and Slavic art, architecture and material culture)
Reyhan Durmaz (Syriac Christianity, Christian-Muslim relations in the medieval eastern Mediterranean)
Jamal Elias (Islamic thought, literature and history in Western, Central and South Asia)
Toni Espòsito (medieval Iberian and Romance philology)
Huda J. Fakhreddine (medieval Arabic literature)
Siyen Fei (China)
Antonio Feros (early modern Spain)
Talya Fishman (Jewish intellectual and cultural history)
Scott Francis (Renaissance French literature and culture)
Glenda Goodman (early modern, Atlantic world)
Simcha Gross (Ancient Rabbinics, Jewish social and cultural history)
Sarah Guérin (medieval material culture)
Nicholas A. Herman (French Renaissance, 15th-16thC manuscript illumination)
Renata Holod (Islamic, medieval and Byzantine art)
James Ker (Roman cultural history, Latin language)
David Young Kim (southern Renaissance art)
Ada Maria Kuskowski (medieval, legal history)
Zachary Lesser (Shakespeare, English Renaissance literature, history of material texts, bibliography, digital humanities)
Joseph E. Lowry (medieval Islamic law, Arabic literature, and classical Islamic thought)
Victor Mair (Buddhist popular literature and vernacular traditions of China)
Justin McDaniel (Lao, Thai, Pali, Sanskrit literature, art and architecture, manuscript studies)
E. Ann Matter (religious studies, history of Christianity)
Michael Meister (art history and South Asia Studies)
Ann E. Moyer (late medieval, Renaissance history)
Robert Ousterhout (Byzantine art and architecture)
Deven M. Patel (South Asian lit. & linguistics; Indian philosophy, literary & intellectual history)
Dot Porter (manuscript studies and digital humanities)
David Ruderman (early modern and modern Jewish history, early modern Europe, intellectual history)
Thomas Max Safley (late medieval, Reformation)
Larry Silver (Northern Renaissance)
Michael Solomon (Iberian, medieval media studies, late medieval and early modern medicine)
Davesh Soneji (performance communities; southern India)
David Spafford (pre-modern Japanese history)
Ramya Sreenivasan (early modern South Asia; western India; colonialism and modernity)
Peter Stallybrass (history of the book, Shakespeare, English Renaissance)
Emily Steiner (Old & Middle English, history of information, law & literature, comparative religious cultures)
Nancy Steinhardt (East Asian art, architecture and archeology, 2nd-14th cc.)
Ori Tavor (pre-modern Chinese Studies)
Joshua Teplitsky (History of Jewish life in Early Modern Central Europe)
Margo Todd (Early Modern British Isles)
Jay Treat (history and literature of early Judaism and early Christianity)
Elly R. Truitt (history of science/technology/medicine, cultural history, magic)
Julia Verkholantsev (medieval and early modern cultural history of central, southeastern, and eastern Europe)
David Wallace (Middle English, Chaucer, Boccaccio, women’s writing, romance, travel writing)
Bethany Wiggin (German, early modern literature, cultural translation, environmental humanities)
Graduate Students
Artwork on this Page
Dish showing an Angel Holding Shields, 16th century, artist unknown, German, Philadelphia Museum of Art.