IHSP works with a range of government and civil society groups to protect and preserve Iraq’s cultural heritage. The sections below provide overviews of our financial support, in-country partnerships, and implementing organizations.
Funding Organizations
U.S. Department of State
ALIPH Foundation
Gerda Henkel Stiftung
Project Partners
Chaldean Antonian Order of St. Hormizd
Chaldean Catholic Church
Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage
Ninawa Inspectorate, Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage
Syriac Orthodox Church
Yezidi Spiritual Council
Implementation Partners
Christian Aid Program - Nohedra, Iraq
Consultancy for Conservation and Development Ltd.
Cultural Property Consultants, LLC
IHSP works closely with Iraqi heritage professionals to protect and promote Iraq’s diverse cultural heritage for both Iraqis and the global community. Please consider donating to support the preservation of this heritage for present and future generations.