Home to some of the earliest civilizations, seat of empires, and crossroad of cultures, Iraq is a land rich in history and heritage. Dating back millennia, the country’s sites and monuments bear witness to the creativity, industry, ingenuity, and cultural diversity of its people.
This rich heritage now faces threats from all sides. Every day, urbanization, the legacies of conflict, and climate change eat away at Iraq’s cultural treasures. Iraqis cherish their history and work hard to preserve it. But they need your help.
The Iraq Heritage Stabilization Program works closely with Iraqi heritage professionals and local communities to protect and promote Iraq’s diverse cultural heritage. We listen to our Iraqi partners and work to get them what they need to do their jobs and save their heritage. Give today to support the preservation of this heritage for present and future generations.
To give by credit or debit card, click the button above. If you want to support a specific project, community, or activity, please indicate this by clicking the “Special Reason” checkbox and by describing the purpose of your donation. Checks may be sent to:
Laura Weber
Penn Arts and Sciences Advancement Office
3600 Market St., Suite 300
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Please write the check to “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania” and include a note on the memo line or in the envelope that indicates that the check is for the “Iraq Heritage Stabilization Program Fund.”