

“Music and Technology.” In Cambridge Companion to Romanticism in Music, ed. Benedict Taylor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux (publication date: June 2021).





“Cosmic Terrains: The Sun-King, Son of Heaven, and Sovereign of the Seas.” e-flux Journal. Exhibition catalog for “We Don’t Live on the Same Planet,” Bruno Latour and Martin Guinard, eds.

“Cosmograms for Critical Zones: Around the Pluriverse in Eight Objects.” In Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, Critical Zones exhibit catalog. Cambridge, MA: MIT, pp. 56-67. Tresch-CRITICAL ZONES-Around the Pluriverse in Eight Objects  

“Sickness and Sweetness and Power.” Isis: Journal for History of Science. “Second Look Focus Section” December. Tresch Sickness and Sweetness Proofs


“Leroi-Gourhan’s Hall of Gestures.” In Douglas Kahn, ed. Energies in the Arts. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 193-238. Hall of Gestures,Tresch, Pre-print with edits 2019

“Anthropotechniken für das Anthropozän” in Technosphär, eds. Katrin Klingan and Christoph Rosol. Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, pp. 86-102.

“The Nice Ones Are Sometimes the Worst.” In 107 Variations on the Unexpected, eds. Christine van Ortzen, Fernando Vidal, Festschrift for Lorraine Daston, Max Planck Institute, Berlin.


“The Compositor’s Reversal: Typography, Science, and Creation in Poe’s Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.” History and Theory (56): 1-24. The Compositors Reversal, History & Theory, J Tresch 2018

“The Chtulhian Face of E.A.P.” Essay review of The Lovecraftian Poe, ed. Sean Moreland. Edgar Allan Poe Studies. 51: E3-E17. Tresch Chthulhian Poe

“Introduction: The Machine in the Library.” In Bibliotechnica: Humanist Practice in Digital Times, ed. John Tresch. Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, pp. 9-21.

Tresch, John, ed. Bibliotechnica: Humanist Practice in Digital Times. Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 2018. Open access edited volume, with texts by Geoffrey Bowker, Glenn Most, Gregory Crane, Dagmar Schäfer, Stéphane Van Damme, Aihwa Ong, Murtha Baca, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Matthew Battles, Ruth Padel.

“Monster, Maschinen, Magier: Die Inszenierung unheimlicher Technologie in Paris, 1815-1851.“ translated or Ma(n)chines: Life – Forms – Machine | Machine – Forms – Life, eds. Patricia A. Gwozdz, Jakob C. Heller, and Tim Sparenberg, HKW/ MPI, Berlin.

“We Have Never Known Mother Earth”. (Essay Review of Facing Gaia, Bruno Latour). Public Books,


Schaffer, Simon, John Tresch, and Pasquale Gagliardi. Aesthetics of Universal Knowledge. London: Palgrave. Edited volume with texts by Adam Lowe, Jerry Brotton, Pierre Chabard, Cheryce von Xylander, Anke Te Heesen, Bruno Latour, David Turnbull, Deirdre McCloskey, Richard Powers. At google books: Aesthetics of Universal Knowledge

Tresch, John. “Cosmopragmatics and Petabytes.” In Aesthetics of Universal Knowledge, pp. 137-168.

“Steps toward the Encyclopedic Museum.” In Berkowitz, Carin, and Bernie Lightman, eds. Science Museums in Transition: Cultures of Display in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press (Winner, Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2017).  Preview at google books.


“Matter No More”: Edgar Allan Poe and the Paradoxes of Materialism.” Critical Inquiry 42 (2016): 865-898. PDF – tresch_matter_no_more_poes_materialism.pdf

Every Society Invents the Failed Utopia It Deserves.” Public Domain Review, “Conjectures” series.

Anthropotechnics for the Anthropocene.” Technosphere Journal. Written version of public lecture, “There Are No Religions, and Science Is One of Them.” Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, April 2016.


Des natures autres: Hétérotopies de la science du XIXe siècle.” In Une Nouvelle histoire des sciences: Vol 2, le XIXe siècle, edited by Dominique Pestre, Kapil Raj, Otto Sibum and translator Franck Lemonde. Paris: Seuil, 2015. [Of Other Natures: Heterotopias of Nineteenth Century Science FRANCAIS des_natures_autres.pdf  ; ENGLISH of_other_natures_final_feb_2014.pdf.

Fiat Lux and Earth’s Answer.” Video lecture and interview on artificial lighting, William Blake, the Anthropocene, and the Beach Boys: Sonic Acts, Amsterdam, 2015

Ecologies of ‘Mind’.” In the conference: Buddhism, Mind, and Cognitive Science. UC Berkeley, 2014. Video –

The Archaic Elsewhere of Skies: Thermodynamics and Electricity, Pantheism and Void.” In Art or Sound, edited by Germano Celant, 87-92. Venice: Fondazione Prada, 2014. PDF – art_or_sound_archaic_elsewhere_pantheism.pdf

Cosmologies Materialized: History of Science and History of Ideas.” In Rethinking Modern European Intellectual History, edited by Darrin McMahon and Sam Moyn, 153-172. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. PDF – tresch_-_cosmologies_materialized.pdf

Invisible Ark: John Wilkins, from Mercury to Universal Philosophy.” In Grain, Vapor, Ray, edited by Katrin Klingan, Ashkan Sepahvand, Christoph Rosol and Bernd M. Scherer. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2014. PDF – wilkins_tresch.pdf

Keynote: Cosmograms, or How To Do Things with Worlds.” In The Anthropocene: An Opening. Berlin, Germany : Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2013. Video – Date Presented: 12 January 2013 – “The Anthropocene: An Opening”:

Is the Anthropocene…A Cosmology? A Conversation between John Tresch and Jan Zalasiewicz.” In The Anthropocene: An Opening. Berlin, Germany, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2013. Media – recording of conversation | review of event (german) | review of event (english)

The Animal Series and the Genesis of Socialism.” In Of Elephants & Roses: French Natural History, 1790-1830, edited by Sue Ann Prince, 196-204. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 2013. PDF – the_animal_series__the_genesis_of_socialism.pdf

Avenassien, Armen.Another History of Science, an Interview with John Tresch.” Mousse Magazine (2013). PDF – tresch_avanessian_interview_mousse_2013.pdf

Another Turn after ANT: An Interview with Bruno Latour.”Social Studies of Science (2013). PDF – latour_interview_2013_sss.pdf

Fahrräder für alle.” Kulturaustausch (2013). PDF – Fahrräder_für_alle.pdf

Tresch, John, and Emily I. Dolan.Toward a New Organology: Instruments of Music and Science.” Osiris 28 (2013): 278-298. PDF – toward_a_new_organology.pdf

Compte rendu: Le jour où les robots mangeront des pommes: Conversations avec un Geminoïd, de Emmanuel Grimaud et Zaven Paré.” Gradhiva: Revue d’ethnologie et d’histoire d’art (2012). robots_pommes.pdf

Review of Mary Pickering, ‘Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, Vols 2 and 3’.” Journal of Modern History(2012).  review_of_pickering_comte_vols_2_and_3.pdf

romanticmachine_0The Romantic Machine: Utopian Science and Technology after Napoleon. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Read Reviews Here



Technology.” In Poe in Context, edited by Kevin J. Hayes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.


grey-2011-1-43-cover__0Tresch, John, and Mara Mills. A/V: Editor’s Introduction In Grey Room Quarterly. Vol. 43., 2011. PDF – introduction_audio.visual.pdf Website –

The Prophet and the Pendulum: Popular Science and Audiovisual Phantasmagoria around 1848.” Grey Room Quarterly 43 (2011): 16-42. PDF – prophet_and_the_pendulum.pdf

Experimental Ethics and the Meditating Brain.” InNeurocultures, edited by Francisco Ortega and Fernando Vidal, 49-68. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011. PDF – mind_and_life_essay_tresch.pdf

Gilgamesh to Gaga.” Lapham’s Quarterly 4 (2011): 185-192. PDF – gilgamesh_to_gaga.pdf

La Technaesthétique : Répétition, habitude, et dispositif technique dans les arts romantiques.” Romantisme, Journal du XIXème siècle 150 (2011): 63-73. PDF – la_technesthetique.pdf

Tresch, John, and Emily Dolan.‘A Sublime Invasion’: Meyerbeer, Balzac, and the Paris Opera Machine.” Opera Quarterly(2011). PDF – a_sublime_invasian.pdf

The Machine Awakens: The Physics and Metaphysics of Automata in France before 1848.” French Historical Studies 34 (2011): 88-123. PDF – 1._treschfhs.fantastic.automaton.pdf


Even the Tools Will Be Free: Humboldt’s Romantic Technologies.” In The Heavens on Earth: Observatories and Astronomy in Nineteenth Century Science and Culture, edited by David Aubin, Charlotte Bigg and Otto Sibum, 253-285. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. PDF – heavensonearthhumboldt.pdf

The Order of the Prophets: ‘Series’ in Early French Socialism and Social Science.” History of Science 48 (2010): 315-342. PDF – order.of_.the_.prophets.pdf


La magie de la vraisemblance: Edgar Poe dans l’âge mécanique.” In Tracés, edited by Christelle Rabier and Florent Coste., 2009. PDF – magie_de_la_vraisemblance_poe.pdf


Technological World-Pictures: Cosmic Things, Cosmograms.” Isis 98 (2007): 84-99. PDF – isis.tresch.pdf PDF – isis.cover.image.pdf

Cybernetics.” In Genesis, edited by Emilie Gomart. Utrecht: Centraal Museum, 2007. PDF – cybernetics_overview_genesis.pdf

The Daguerreotype’s First Frame: François Arago’s Moral Economy of Instruments.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 38 (2007): 445-476. PDF – aragos_moral_economy.pdf

Electromagnetic Alchemy in Balzac’s The Quest for the Absolute.” In The Shape of Experiment, edited by Henning Schmidgen and Julia Kursell. Berlin: Max-Planck preprint, 2007. PDF – balzacs_electromagnetic_alchemy.pdf

Estrangement of Vision: Edgar Allan Poe’s Optics.” In Observing Nature- Representing Experience, The Osmotic Dynamics of Romanticism, 1800-1850, edited by Erna Fiorenti, 155-186. Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2007. PDF – poes_optics_estrangement_of_vision.pdf


Cosmogram.” In Cosmogram, edited by Jean-Christophe Royoux and Melik Ohanian, 67-76. New York: Sternberg, 2005. PDF – 2._tresch.cosmogram_in_royoux.pdf

Mapping the Roads to Current Science.” Science (2005): 2167-2168. Website

¡Viva la República Cósmica!, or The Children of Humboldt and Coca-Cola.” In Making Things Public, edited by Peter Weibel and Bruno Latour. Cambridge: MIT, 2005. PDF – viva_la_republica.pdf


In a Solitary Place: Raymond Roussel’s Brain and the French Cult of Unreason.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (2004): 307-332. PDF – in_a_solitary_place.pdf

Tresch, John, and Sylvain Perdigon (trans.).La science mise à nu (par ses ethnographes, même) (“Science Laid Bare by Its Ethnographers, Even”) Essay review of current anthropology of science by L. Nader; H. Gusterson; P. Rabinow; S. Traweek & R. Reid. Critique: Revue internationale des publications françaises et étrangères, pp. 680-681 (2004): 52-65. PDF – la_science_mise_a_nu.pdf PDF – anthropology_of_science_review_critique_in_english.pdf


The Uses of a Mistranslated Manifesto: Baudelaire’s ‘Genèse d’un Poème’.” In Esprit Créateur, edited by Jean-Christophe Valtat, 23-35., 2003. PDF – genese.manifesto.tresch.pdf


Did Francis Bacon Eat Pork? A Note on the Tabernacle in ‘New Atlantis’.” In Iconoclash, edited by Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel, 231-233. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002. PDF – bacon_tabernacle.pdf


Extra! Extra! Poe Invents Science Fiction.” In The Cambridge Companion to Poe, edited by Kevin J. Hayes, 113-132. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. PDF – poe_invents_science_fiction.pdf

On Going Native: Thomas Kuhn and Anthropological Method.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (2001): 302-322. PDF – going_native.pdf


Cybernetics and the Mind of God.” In NO1SE, edited by Adam Lowe and Simon Schaffer. Cambridge: Wellcome Institute, London, 2000. PDF – cybernetics_and_god.pdf


Tresch, John, and Simon Werrett.Entries: Rutherford, Schroedinger, Sommerfeld, Von Laue, Yukawa, in Dictionnaire d’Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences.” Presses Universitaires de France , 1999. PDF – dictionnaire.pdf


Heredity is an Open System: Gregory Bateson as Descendant and Ancestor.” In Anthropology Today, 3-6., 1998. PDF – batesontresch.pdf

The Potent Magic of Verisimilitude: Edgar Allan Poe within the Mechanical Age.” British Journal for the History of Science 30 (1997): 275-290. PDF – potent_magic_of_verisimilitude_poe.pdf