Korean Millennials team members have been actively participating in professional meetings. Here is the list of presentations that our team members have made:
- Cepa, Kennan and Hyunjoon Park. “Educational Loans as College Experience: A Multi-Year Analysis of Loan Usage and Student Characteristics.” Sociology of Education Association Conference, February 2018, Pacific Grove, CA.
- Cepa, Kennan and Grace Kao. “Residential Choice or Resources? Explaining Racial and Ethnic Differences in Residential Expectations and Parental Co-Residence in Young Adulthood.” Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2018, Denver, CO.
- Cepa, Kennan and Hyunjoon Park. “Students’ Exposure to Educational Loans: A Multi-Year Analysis of Loan Usage and Student Characteristics.” American Sociological Association Conference, August 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
- Choi, Daesung and Hyunjoon Park. “Leaving the Parental Home among Young Adults in Korea: Gender and Socioeconomic Differentials” Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2018, Denver, CO.
- Choi, Daesung. “Leaving the Parental Home among Young Adults in Korea: Gender and Socioeconomic Differentials.” 2018 spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility. May 2018, Seoul, Korea.
- Choi, Jaesung. “Temporal Change in the Early Labor Market Outcomes of Young College Graduates in South Korea”, Conference for “Labor Market Uncertainties for Youth and Young Adults.” November 2017. Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Choi, Jaesung. “Preparation and Success in the Civil Service Examination: Focusing on College Ranking and Socioeconomic Characteristics” 2017. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- Ho, Phoebe and Hyunjoon Park. “Race/Ethnicity and Young Adults’ Trajectories of Residential Independence: Heterogeneity among Asian Americans.” 2018 spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility. May 2018, Seoul, Korea.
- Ho, Phoebe and Hyunjoon Park. “Race/Ethnicity and Young Adults’ Trajectories of Residential Independence: Heterogeneity among Asian Americans.” International Workshop on Coming of Age in East Asia. June 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Jo, Hyejeong. “Teachers as Mobility Sponsors: An Ethnography of Working-class Students’ Transitions to Colleges in South Korea.” Sociology Colloquium Series. November 2017. Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea.
- Jo, Hyejeong. “The Hidden Costs of the College-for-all Society: The Stigmatization of Work-bound Students in a South Korean High School.” Penn Forum in Korean Studies, University of Pennsylvania. April 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
- Kao, Grace (with Kara Joyner & Kelly Stamper Balistreri) “Interracial Romance and Friendship among Adolescents and Adults.” Community College of Philadelphia. February 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
- Kao, Grace (with Kara Joyner & Kelly Stamper Balistreri) “Interracial Romance and Friendship among Adolescents and Adults.” Robin M. Williams Jr. Lecture, Eastern Sociological Society. February 2018, Baltimore, MD.
- Kao, Grace (with Kara Joyner & Kelly Stamper Balistreri) “Interracial Romance and Friendship among Adolescents and Adults.” Population Studies & Training Center, Brown University. April 2018, Providence, RI.
- Kao, Grace (with Kara Joyner & Kelly Stamper Balistreri) “Racial Diversity and Attitudes towards Interracial Relationships.” To be presented at the Meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 2018, Philadelphia, PA.
- Kim, Joongbaeck and Hyungmin Cha. “The Influence of Premarital Coresidence with Parents and Family Income on the Transition to First Marriage in South Korea.” Population Association of America Annual Meeting. April 2018. Denver, CO.
- Kim, Joongbaeck. “Association between Socioeconomic Attainments and Suicidal Ideation by Age Groups in Korea.” 2018 spring meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility. May 2018, Seoul, Korea.
- Raymo, James and Hyunjoon Park. “Trends in Marriage among Korean Men: Changing Composition of the Domestic Marriage Market and Growth in International Marriage.” Population Association of America Annual Meeting. April 2018. Denver, CO.
- Yoon, Soo-Yeon and Hyunjoon Park. “Delayed Transition to Adulthood in Korea Between 1990 and 2010: A Latent Class Analysis” Population Association of America Annual Meeting. April 2018. Denver, CO.
- Yoon, Soo-Yeon and Lanu Kim. “Socioeconomic Status and the Transition to First Marriage in South Korea” Population Association of America Annual Meeting. April 2018. Denver, CO.