
Science Video

Watch City Science with REU alum, Professor Mike

Chemistry and Physics Music Videos

We pleased to provide these links to the greatest music videos of all time:

The atom song
The element song
A very funny chemical party
A brilliant summary of the first and second laws of thermodynamics by Flanders and Swann.
Resistant to base, an organic chemistry music video.
The nano song, an extraordinary production!
Particle physics at its best in the large hadron rap
Mind-expanding quotes from some of our favorite science guys in the the symphony of science
Hold up, check your work, it’s mathmaticious
Watch out if you take over someone’s bad project

…and to some less consequential products of our own imagination:

Hey little ions, captured live in Chem 110H

Semiconductor doping explained in n-doped, based on a much harder-to-spoof song.
(Lead vocal: Jon Bojan; Music and lip synch: Justin Timberlake; Bass, backup vocal, echo, Garage Band effects: T. Mallouk;
Video: Blake Farrow)