
The conference will take place on the 13th and 14th of October 2022, with a special pre-conference event on norms in the developing world on the 12th of October.

Please find below our list of speakers, and download the program here.

Keynote speakers:

“Cultural Evolutionary Mismatches in Response to Collective Threat”

Michele Gelfand

The John H. Scully Professor in Cross-Cultural Management and Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford Graduate School of Business

Professor of Psychology (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University



“Social Norms and Economic Behavior: From Suppression to Expression”

Leonardo Bursztyn

Professor, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago

Co-Director, Political Economics Initiative, Becker Friedman Institute, University of Chicago




Research presentations:

  1. Priming anti-coordination with social expectations | Pietro Guarnieri, University of Pisa (Italy)
  2. What explains variation in food hygiene social norms in Bangladesh? Findings from a randomised cluster trial across 92 villages | Giorgia Gon, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK)
  3. The Global Trust Index: The Effects of Gender, Class, and Race on Real-World Behaviors | Salma Mousa, Yale University (US)
  4. Acceptable Discourse: Social Norms of Beliefs and Opinions | Russell Golman, Carnegie Mellon University (US)
  5. Responding to Incentives or Playing to Type: Gender Norms, Contract Selection and Performance | Marta Maras, Gettysburg College (US)
  6. Causal Foundations for the Emergence of Revenge Social Norms | Aron Szekely, Collegio Carlo Alberto (Italy)
  7. Categorical Norms | Erez Yoeli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  8. The Effect of Competition and Cooperation on Social Perceptions | Rachel Kranton, Duke University (US)
  9. Descriptive social norms backfires | David Rand, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  10. Correcting Misperceptions of Out-Party Variability Matters More than Correcting Misperceptions of Out-Party Extremity | Yphtach Lelkes, University of Pennsylvania (US)
  11. The Social Triangle: How Norms, Social Identity, and Polarization Affect Each Other | Kati Kish Bar-On, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  12. Measuring Socially Appropriate Social Preferences | Andrea Robbett, Middlebury College (US)
  13. Negative Economic Shocks and the Compliance to Social Norms | Francesco Bogliacino, University of Bergamo (Italy)
  14. Institutions, Frames, and Social Contract Reasoning | Virginia Cecchini Manara, University of Milan (Italy)
  15. Social Tipping in Heterogeneous and Polarized Populations | Sara Constantino, Northeastern University / Princeton University (US)
  16. Anti-Social Norms | Jose-Alberto Guerra, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
  17. Network Centrality and the Perception of Descriptive Social Norms | Jennifer Dannals, Yale University (US)
  18. Correction of Misperceptions and Spillover Effects on Other Beliefs: Another Look at the Case of Saudi Arabia | Elif Incekara-Hafalir, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Poster presentations:

  1. Bridging America’s Divide on Abortion, Guns and Immigration: An Experimental Study | Guglielmo Briscese, University of Chicago (US)
  2. Pragmatic Inferences from Social Norm Information | Jinyi Kuang, University of Pennsylvania (US)
  3. Radio soap opera to promote social cohesion and reduce xenophobia and intergroup discrimination towards Venezuelans in Peru | Lorena Levano Gavidia, World Bank (US)
  4. A theory of social preferences and norms | Raquel Lorenzo Vidal, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
  5. Conflicts of Norms: the dynamics of deviant behavior when deciding which rule to follow | Alessandro Tacconelli, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
  6. Norm Message and Its Impact on Falling into Sunk Cost Fallacy | Chenyu Wang, University of Pennsylvania (US)
  7. Identifying latent determinants of individual normative behavior | Claire Lugrin, University of Zurich (Switzerland)
  8. Fairness norms in inequality: The role of reflexivity and social mobility priming | Charlene Lew, University of Pretoria (South Africa)
  9. Youth Reeducated: The Economic Preference Impacts of China’s Send-Down Movement | Sheryl Ball, Virginia Tech (US)
  10. The “Hidden” Gender Gap in Self-Promotion | Jenny Chang, Carnegie Mellon University (US)
  11. Female Labor Productivity Reduces Domestic Violence: Evidence from Peru | Isadora A. Frankenthal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
  12. Priming Social Preferences After Conflict | James Walsh, University of North Carolina (US)
  13. A Systematic Review (and Meta-Analysis) of Norm-based Interventions | Daniele Pollicino, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
  14. The evolution of gossip and reputation-based cooperation | Xinyue Pan, University of Maryland (US)
  15. The Mental Accounting of Windfall Money: Understanding Motives for Giving | Valentina Cafarelli, Columbia University (US)
  16. Adolescent peer referral to family planning services; a randomized controlled evaluation in Uganda | Emily Zimmerman, ideas42 (US)
  17. Misperception of intimate partner violence norms as a driver of personal attitudes and behavior: a population-based study of men in rural Uganda | Jessica Perkins, Vanderbilt University (US)
  18. Social diversity, fragmentation, and norm change | Simon Siegenthaler, University of Texas at Dallas (US)
  19. Shifting social norms through education and improved access to social entitlements through community institutions: Gender Transformative Model of Odisha in India shows the way to empower women against discrimination, violence and deprivation | Biraj Sarangi, Project Concern International (India)
  20. Understanding and countering the online spread of COVID-related misinformation in Canada Nicholas Diamond, Government of Canada
  21. Social diversity, fragmentation, and norm change | Simon Siegenthaler, University of Texas at Dallas


2022 NoBeC Conference program:

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