Partnership to Improve Care and Translate Evidence for Seniors (PICANTES)

This PARC Aging Chat will feature the research of the Partnership to Improve Care and Translate Evidence for Seniors (PICANTES), which was established to foster and support partnerships between community nursing homes and academic research faculty to promote and facilitate the testing and evaluation of innovative approaches to improving care for older adults.


PICANTES is a collaboration among nursing homes and an interdisciplinary group of faculty from University of Pennsylvania’s Schools of Medicine and Nursing and the University of Maryland and Penn State Schools of Nursing. Established in 2019, the goal of PICANTES is to catalyze rigorous clinical, health service, and policy-relevant research to improve the quality of care and outcomes for persons receiving services and care in nursing home settings. The current list of partners includes over 46 facilities totaling more than 5,000 beds, providing investigators access to facilities with a variety of geographic, patient/resident characteristics, and facility characteristics (e.g., ownership, size, staffing, CMS Quality Ratings) thereby ensuring ready access to a diverse and scalable study population.

The upcoming release of the report (anticipated release April 2022) from National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Quality of Care in Nursing Homes Committee will likely catalyze research opportunities to examine and improve care delivery and outcomes in long-term care settings.


  1. How might your research interests contribute to or benefit from PICANTES?
  2. What are the opportunities to expand the network?
  3. How can we best work with clinical partners, such as the Penn Medicine/Temple Medicine Regional Congregate Care Assistance Teams (RCAT) to strengthen the partnership?
  4. How should we strategize efforts to prepare for future calls for nursing home research?


Mary Ersek: Partnership to Improve Care And Translate Evidence for Seniors  (PICANTES)

