This research theme examines the precursors of cognitive decline and the effects of cognitive decline, including ADRD, on patients, caregivers, and health care systems, both domestically and around the globe. This research Chat will bring together scholars from Institute on Aging, the Penn Memory Center, Penn’s Alzheimer’s Disease Center, the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, and PARC to promote integration and cross-collaborations on one of the most vexing challenges in preparing for an aging society: preventing ADRDs, and coping with their consequences at the individual and societal level.
- Shana Stites: The Changing Patient Experience of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Iliana Kohler: Cognitive Health in the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health (MLSFH)
- Hans-Peter Kohler: Diverging Destinies During COVID-19: Socioeconomic and Genomic Factors Underlying Health Disparities
- Jason Karlawish
- Vikesh Amin: Alternative Trajectories in Mental and Cognitive Health Among Older Americans: Role of Genetics and SES
- Hans-Peter Kohler
- Norma Coe
- Isabel Yannatos
- Vikesh Amin
- Kristin Harkins
- Iliana Kohler
- Muntasir Masum
- Shana Stites
- Jasmine Travers
- Olivia Mitchell
- Jere Behrman
- Jason Karlawish
- Eddie Lee
- Nykia Perez Kibler (staff)
- Shannon Crane (staff)
- Anita Lai (staff)