Health Disparities in Aging

March 19, 2021This research theme includes the analyses of socioeconomic, racial/ethnic, nativity, geographic, and gender inequalities in health and mortality, including period/cohort risks and their underlying social/biological causes. One of the original PARC research themes, it incorporates socioeconomic inequalities, racial/ethnic and gender differences, and variation in health outcomes by nativity and place of residence, including period and cohort risks and their underlying social and biological mechanisms. This topic is receiving unprecedented, and long-overdue, attention in both the scholarly and popular press. The goal of this Chat is to learn from each other, promote cross-collaboration and discussions, and work towards solutions.


  • Irma T. Elo: High and Rising Mortality Rates Among Working-Age Adults
  • Jere R. Behrman:  Predictive Power of Own and Parents’ Schooling on Physical and Cognitive Health for Ages 60+ for Chilean Females and Males 
  • Courtney Boen: The Roles of State & Local Immigration Policy in Shaping Population Patterns of Health Inequality