In the Classroom
Every Penn Arts & Sciences students has that one teacher or that one assignment—the one that changed them forever. Hear about them here.
Image courtesy of The Record, 1950

Heidi Howard Tandy, C’92
Profound perspectives on culture and politics

Larry Altenberg, C’92
Ripping out pages of history as the Berlin Wall falls

Harrison Feinman, C’22, SPP’22
Virtual connections through the Covid-19 pandemic

Margaret Doyle, C’89 (2024)
The Best Art History Class I Ever Had

Tiffani Whittaker, C’95 (2023)
Faculty Advice

McKenna Crilley, C’11 (2023)
Still Some of My Closest Friends

Sydney Mbachu, C’13 (2023)
Language Studies

Kiera Reilly, C’93 (2023)
History and Theory of Communications

Rodrigo Garza, C’03 (2023)
Keeping Up with Professors

Caroline Waxler, C’93 (2023)
The Latin Scholar

Carol Jones, CW’73 (2023)
Urban Studies

Robbie Brennan Hain, C’79, ED’79 (2019)
Swimming and more
Nicolette Sookar, C’15 (2019)
Lloyd Sprung, C’92 (2019)
Managing People

Jennifer Tobey, C’92 (2019)
Contemplating Majors

Grace Huang, C’18 (2019)
Singing Opera

Denise Bailey-Castro, C’09 (2019)
Engaging in Conversation

Dave Micahnik, C’59 (2019)
Hopping Around
Albert Rosenblatt, C’57
A Letter of Encouragement
Clifford Eisler, C’71
On Strike
Dorothy Huber, C’55
The Wonders of Art
Ed Epstein, C’58
The Moment When It All Made Sense
Elyssa Kane, C’86
Intro to Geology
Ernie Sutton, C’43
Chemistry 101
Harry Rothstein, C’43
Harvey Brandenburg, C’50
The Pecking Order of Countries
Henry Newberger, C’65
The Humor of Dr. Davies
Joan Samuels Demp, C’51
Lew Coopersmith, C’65
Operations Resesarch

Jim Kronenberg, C’91 (2016)
Meyerson Hall

Marielle Cohen, C’91 (2016)
Coming Back
Matthew Amalfitano, C’11
Natalie Monroe Thigpen, C’85
The International Relations Major
Natalie Wiles, C’75
Her Two Favorite Professors

Eric Vest, C’93 (2018)
Changing Majors

Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, C’01 (2018)
History Comes Alive

Jonathan Tretler, C’93, WG’97 (2018)
Marrying Food and Culture

Kelly Sutton-Skinner, C’08 (2018)
Bonding with Cookies

Rachel Ehrlich Albanese, C’98 (2018)
Technical Difficulties

Stacie Smith, C’08 (2018)
Learning My History

Stephanie Spencer, C’89 (2018)
Seeing the World in a New Light

Stuart Siegel, C’69, D’73, PAR’98 (2018)
Sharing Professors

Suzanne Doft, C’92 (2018)
Transformative Professors

Thomas Andrew Tad Decker, C’68 (2018)
Standing Ovations
Janet Burns, C’93 (2017)
Biggest Regret
Jenny Bilenker, C’97 (2017)
Coming Back to Visit

Lora Rosenblum, C’12 (2017)
My Favorite Classes
Matthew Schneider, C’95 (2017)
Becoming Invested
Robert Shapiro, C’84, W’84 (2017)
Terrific Times
Ernest Owens, C’14 (2016)
Applying Knowledge

Heidi Howard Tandy, C’92
Profound perspectives on culture and politics

Larry Altenberg, C’92
Ripping out pages of history as the Berlin Wall falls

Harrison Feinman, C’22, SPP’22
Virtual connections through the Covid-19 pandemic

Margaret Doyle, C’89 (2024)
The Best Art History Class I Ever Had

Tiffani Whittaker, C’95 (2023)
Faculty Advice

McKenna Crilley, C’11 (2023)
Still Some of My Closest Friends

Sydney Mbachu, C’13 (2023)
Language Studies

Kiera Reilly, C’93 (2023)
History and Theory of Communications

Rodrigo Garza, C’03 (2023)
Keeping Up with Professors

Caroline Waxler, C’93 (2023)
The Latin Scholar

Carol Jones, CW’73 (2023)
Urban Studies

Robbie Brennan Hain, C’79, ED’79 (2019)
Swimming and more
Nicolette Sookar, C’15 (2019)
Lloyd Sprung, C’92 (2019)
Managing People

Jennifer Tobey, C’92 (2019)
Contemplating Majors

Grace Huang, C’18 (2019)
Singing Opera

Denise Bailey-Castro, C’09 (2019)
Engaging in Conversation

Dave Micahnik, C’59 (2019)
Hopping Around
Albert Rosenblatt, C’57
A Letter of Encouragement
Clifford Eisler, C’71
On Strike
Dorothy Huber, C’55
The Wonders of Art
Ed Epstein, C’58
The Moment When It All Made Sense
Elyssa Kane, C’86
Intro to Geology
Ernie Sutton, C’43
Chemistry 101
Harry Rothstein, C’43
Harvey Brandenburg, C’50
The Pecking Order of Countries
Henry Newberger, C’65
The Humor of Dr. Davies
Joan Samuels Demp, C’51
Lew Coopersmith, C’65
Operations Resesarch

Jim Kronenberg, C’91 (2016)
Meyerson Hall

Marielle Cohen, C’91 (2016)
Coming Back
Matthew Amalfitano, C’11
Natalie Monroe Thigpen, C’85
The International Relations Major
Natalie Wiles, C’75
Her Two Favorite Professors

Eric Vest, C’93 (2018)
Changing Majors

Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, C’01 (2018)
History Comes Alive

Jonathan Tretler, C’93, WG’97 (2018)
Marrying Food and Culture

Kelly Sutton-Skinner, C’08 (2018)
Bonding with Cookies

Rachel Ehrlich Albanese, C’98 (2018)
Technical Difficulties

Stacie Smith, C’08 (2018)
Learning My History

Stephanie Spencer, C’89 (2018)
Seeing the World in a New Light

Stuart Siegel, C’69, D’73, PAR’98 (2018)
Sharing Professors

Suzanne Doft, C’92 (2018)
Transformative Professors

Thomas Andrew Tad Decker, C’68 (2018)
Standing Ovations
Janet Burns, C’93 (2017)
Biggest Regret
Jenny Bilenker, C’97 (2017)
Coming Back to Visit