Ileana Pérez-Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator
e-mail: ileperez@sas.upenn.edu
January 2012: Ph.D. Microbial Ecology – Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
June 2005: B.S. Biology – University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus

Abhijit Manna, Ph.D.
Research Associate
November 2018: Ph.D. Microbiology- Madurai Kamaraj University, India
September 2011: M.Sc. Microbiology- University of Burdwan, India
June 2009: B.S. Microbiology- University of Burdwan, India

Su-Young Park, M.Sc.
Graduate Researcher (Ph.D. Program)
e-mail: psy3756@sas.upenn.edu
August 2023: M.Sc. in Geomicrobiology- Korea University, South Korea
August 2019: B.S. in Geology- Gyeongsang University, South Korea

Maya Kreger
Undergraduate Researcher
e-mail: kreger@sas.upenn.edu
May 2025: B.S. in Biology (Minor in French)- University of Pennsylvania

Ricky Wang-Polendo
Undergraduate Researcher
e-mail: rwangp@seas.upenn.edu
May 2027: B.S. in Bioengineering and Biology- University of Pennsylvania
NOTE: We are always happy to discuss undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate research opportunities available in the laboratory. Please contact Professor Pérez-Rodríguez for more information.

Leah Van Dyke (October 2021-May 2023)
EES/Biology undergraduate researcher working on Senior Thesis titled “Microbial physiologies of anaerobic primary producers from the crustal subseafloor of the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank”.
*started as Ph.D. student at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Fall of 2023
Jacob Cote (June 2022-August 2022)
Rotation project for the Cellular and Molecular Biology (CAMB) Ph.D. Program (within Microbiology, Virology and Parasitology): phylogenetic identification of chemosynthetic As(V) and Fe(III) reducing microorganisms from subseafloor crustal fluids of the Juan the Fuca Ridge flank.
Gabriel Gonsalves Bertho (October 2021-May 2022)
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering undergraduate researcher working on the cultivation of chemosynthetic Fe(III) reducers from the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank.
*started as Ph.D. student at Yale University in the Fall of 2023
Jessica Choi, Ph.D. (October 2017-October 2021)
Postdoctoral Research Projects: (i) microbe-mineral interactions between thermophilic chemolithoautotrophs and asbestos minerals, (ii) phylogenomic and cellular fatty acid analyses for Geothermobacter sp. strains EPR-M and HR-1, and (iii) enrichment and isolation of anaerobic hydrogenotrophs from subseafloor crustal fluids of the Juan de Fuca Ridge flank.
*started as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan in October of 2021
Michael Samuel and Marina Morales (June 2021-August 2021)
Penn Learning Experiences in the Natural Sciences (LENS) Summer Program Project (for High School Students): Microbial cell sizes of anaerobic (nitrate, sulfur and carbon dioxide reducers) hydrogenotrophic microorganisms as a function of optimal growth temperature, optimal growth pH and optimal growth salinity conditions.
Eric Ellison (February 2019-May 2020)
Master of Environmental Studies (MES) Capstone Project: “Examining the physiological limits of deep-sea vent bacteria, Caminibacter mediatlanticus and Thermovibrio ammonificans, during hydrogenotrophic sulfur reduction”.
*started as Ph.D. student at Yale University in the Fall of 2020
Charlotte de Vaulx (January 2019-September 2019)
Wharton/EES undergraduate researcher working on Senior Thesis titled “Determining the bioenergetic landscape inhabited by Caminibacter mediatlanticus“.
*started as Master student at the University College London in the Fall of 2020
Isabella Viney (January 2018-August 2019)
Biology undergraduate working on biomass generation and collection, as well as nitrogen fixation confirmation studies, for Geothermobacter sp. strains EPR-M and HR-1.
*started as Master student at the University of Arizona in the Fall of 2020
Sabrina Elkassas (August 2017-December 2018)
EES Undergraduate Senior Thesis: “Enrichment and isolation of chemosynthetic bacteria for bioremediation of asbestos hazards”.
*started as Ph.D. student of the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in the Fall of 2020