All courses listed here may be counted towards the PSYS minor. Note that, in any semester, students may propose an Independent Study for full course credit. For information on how to set up an Independent Study course, contact Dr. Larry Blum at
coming up in Fall 2025–register during “advance registration” if you can!
- ANTH 2093 / ASAM 2093 Psyche, Trauma, Culture (Emily Ng)
- ENGL 0052/COML 0052 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Jean-Michel Rabaté and David Lopez)
- ENGL 5905/COML 5903/GSWS 5905 Freud and Beyond (Max Cavitch) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
- more courses to come–check back for the updated list!
current semester:
Spring 2025
- ENGL 0021/COML 0021/CIMS 0021 From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- GRMN 1210-401 / ARTH 2871-401 / COML 1210-401 / JWST 1210-401 Witnessing, Remembering, and Writing the Holocaust (Liliane Weissberg)
- GRMN 5260-401 / COML 5260-401 / GSWS 5260-401 The Trouble with Freud: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Culture (Liliane Weissberg)
- SWRK 7920 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Previous Course Offerings
Fall 2024
- ANTH 3090/ANTH 6090 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Lawrence Blum and Greg Urban)
- ENGL 0052/COML 0052 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Max Cavitch and David Lopez)
- GRMN 1060/COML 1060/GSWS 1060 The Fantastic and Uncanny in Literature: Ghosts, Spirits & Machines (Liliane Weissberg)
Spring 2024
- ANTH 2093 / ASAM 2093 Psyche, Trauma, Culture (Emily Ng)
- ANTH 2329 Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood (Lawrence Blum and Alejandra Wortman)
- ENGL 1430 / CIMS 1430 / COML 1430 From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 2270 / ASAM 2200 Race and Psychoanalysis: Asian Americans and Mental Health (David Eng)
- PHIL 5956 Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Freud and the Interpretation of Culture (Stephen Steinberg)
- SWRK 7920 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2023
- ANTH 2790 Theorizing the Role of Affect in Society and Culture (Greg Urban)
- ENGL 0052/COML 0052 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 0775/COML 0775/GSWS 0775 Wild Things: Children’s Literature and the Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (Max Cavitch)
- FIGS 1015/COML 1015 Freudian Objects (Liliane Weissberg)
Spring 2022
- ENGL 2841/GSWS 2841 Mourning and Sexuality in the English Elegy (Max Cavitch)
- SWRK 7920 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2022
- ANTH 3090/ANTH 6090 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Lawrence Blum)
- ENGL 0021/COML 0021/CIMS 0021 From the Uncanny to Horror: Film and Psychoanalysis (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 0052/COML 0052 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Max Cavitch)
- GRMN 1060/COML 1060/GSWS 1060 The Fantastic and Uncanny in Literature: Ghosts, Spirits & Machines (Liliane Weissberg)
- HIST 3252/COML 3252 Marx, Nietzsche, Freud: Masters of Suspicion (Warren Breckman)
Spring 2022
- GRMN 253 Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis (Liliane Weissberg)
- PSYS/ANTH 329 Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood (Larry Blum and Barbara Shapiro)
Fall 2021
- ANTH 279 Theorizing the Role of Affect in Society and Culture (Greg Urban)
- ENGL 102/COML 245 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 395/COML 397/GSWS 389 Psychoanalysis and Autobiography (Max Cavitch and Mark Moore) [syllabus]
- ENGL 573/COML 573/PSYS 573 Lives of the Death Drive (Max Cavitch) [syllabus] [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
- PHIL 526 Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Freud and the Interpretation of Culture (Steve Steinberg) [syllabus]
Spring 2021
- ENGL 272.401 Race and Psychoanalysis (David Eng) [syllabus]
- GRMN 254.401/ARTH 356/CLST 254/COML 252/ENGL 095 Freud’s Objects (Liliane Weissberg) [syllabus]
- SWRK 792 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2020
- ANTH 309 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Greg Urban and Lawrence Blum) [syllabus]
- ANTH 741 The Anthropology of Affect (Greg Urban)
- ENGL 102/COML 245 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Jean-Michel Rabaté)
Spring 2020
- ANTH 329/529 Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood (Larry Blum and Barbara Shapiro) [syllabus]
- SWRK 792 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2019
- ENGL 065 Love in an Age of Cynicism (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 102/COML 245 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Max Cavitch)
- SWRK 786.002 Social Work Practice and Trauma (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Spring 2019
- ENG 094 Introduction to Psychoanalysis and Film (Jean-Michel Rabaté) [syllabus]
- GRMN 253 Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis (Liliane Weissberg) [syllabus]
- SWRK 792 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2018
- ANTH 309 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Greg Urban and Lawrence Blum)
- ENGL 102/COML 245 Introduction to Psychoanalysis: History, Theory, Practice (Susan Adelman and Max Cavitch)
- PHIL 526 Freud and the Interpretation of Culture (Steve Steinberg)
Spring 2018
- ANTH 329 Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Perspectives on Childhood (Larry Blum and Barbara Shapiro)
- ENGL 295/COML 295/CIMS 295 Parallel Histories: Psychoanalysis and Film (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- GRMN 242/COML 126/GSWS 243 Fantastic/Uncanny in Literature: Ghosts, Spirits, and Machines (Weissberg)
- SWRK 792 Psychodynamic Theory in Clinical Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2017
- DYNM 607 The Psychodynamics of Organizations (Larry Hirschhorn)
Spring 2017
- ENGL 269 Mourning and Sexuality in the English Elegy (Max Cavitch)
- GRMN 253 Freud: The Invention of Psychoanalysis (Liliane Weissberg)
- SWRK 792 Psychodynamic Theory (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Fall 2016
- ANTH 309.401 Psychoanalysis and Anthropology (Greg Urban & Lawrence Blum)
- DYNM 607 Independent Study (Larry Hirschhorn)
- ENGL 102. From the Uncanny to the Horror: Literature, Film and Psychoanalysis (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- ENGL 102.402 Literatures of Psychoanalysis (Max Cavitch)
- PHIL 536 Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Freud and the Interpretation of Culture (Steve Steinberg) ][syllabus] [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
Spring 2016
- ANTH 329/529.401 Psychoanalytic and Anthropological Perspectives On Childhood (Lawrence Blum and Barbara Shapiro)
- ENGL 292.402 Psychoanalysis, Literature, and Film (Jean-Michel Rabaté)
- GRMN 236.401 Witnessing, Remembering, and Writing the Holocaust (Liliane Weissberg)
- SWRK 786.001 Social Work Practice and Trauma (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]
- SWRK 792.001 Psychodynamic Theory and Clinic Social Work Practice (Jane Abrams) [Note: This graduate-level course is open to undergraduates in the Psychoanalytic Studies Minor, by permission of the instructor.]